Fashion or necessity: why drink water after coffee?

Who came up with the idea of ​​serving a glass of water with coffee and why?

coffee and glass of waterThere are many versions of why water is served with coffee.
There is no consensus and there is no single correct answer to this question, but there are many versions. First, Arab coffee shops offered water in addition to the drink to help guests stay hydrated. Coffee provokes fluid loss from the body, which can be dangerous in hot countries.

The second version concerns security. As you know, hot drinks can increase temperature and blood pressure, so in hot countries they began to supplement strong black coffee with cold water so that the drinker could cool down a little and reduce the strength of the drink.

Finally, the third option. In the 16th century, in the palaces of Arab nobles, a tradition arose of washing down every sip of coffee with water, which made it possible to perceive the taste more clearly.

Arabic coffee
There is an opinion that drinking water with a tart drink allows you to experience all the facets of taste.

How they drink coffee with water in different countries

In Greece and Turkey, the most popular type of coffee is Turkish brewed. Here it is still customary to refresh the receptors with water before each sip of coffee. In Greece, cold water is served free of charge to any customer who has just entered the establishment even before he places an order.

In Italy, with its cult of espresso, a slightly different tradition of drinking coffee with water has developed. In the South, especially in Naples and Sicily, it is customary to take a large sip of water before drinking coffee. It is considered acceptable to drink coffee with water only if you do not like the drink and want to remove the unpleasant aftertaste. If a customer drinks water with his coffee, the barista takes it as an insult.

In the northern regions, except for Piedmont, drinking coffee with water is much more tolerant. In Rome and Milan, in general, coffee with water is not served everywhere.

In Spain they also prefer to drink water before rather than after coffee. Although black coffee here is significantly inferior in popularity to cortado (coffee with milk), which is not served with water.

In France, there is always a jug of water on the table during meals (both at home and in a restaurant). Everyone pours themselves as much as they want. A customer who orders coffee is always brought a large glass of water. French baristas believe that water should be drunk before coffee, not after it.

In Germany, coffee is often served with sparkling water. The Germans do not have clear rules about drinking water before or after coffee.

In Scandinavian countries, boiling water is sometimes served instead of cold water. If desired, the guest dilutes the coffee with it.

Types of coffee served with water:

  • espresso and all its varieties (lungo, ristretto, Americano);
  • any black coffee brewed using a hot method;
  • macchiato;
  • Viennese coffee;
  • black coffee with yolks.

Water is not served with coffee milkshakes and iced coffee, even if it does not contain milk.

What drinks are served with water and when to drink it?

Coffee and waterFollowing the recommendations on how to drink coffee will allow you to fully enjoy your favorite drink without harm to your health.
In the modern world, in cafes, restaurants and coffee shops there is a tradition of bringing water to such types of drinks as:

  • different types of espresso (for example, ristretto or coretto);
  • oriental coffee.

There are no clear rules on how to drink coffee; usually water is consumed in one of two ways:

  1. take a few sips before, preparing the receptors, and drink the remaining liquid after;
  2. alternate each sip of coffee with a sip of water; drink it in small sips, holding it in the mouth for a few seconds, thus cleansing and preparing the receptors for a new portion, which allows you to more fully appreciate the taste.

The story of the duet

The tradition of combining an invigorating drink with water probably came from medieval Arabia. It was customary among the Arabs to serve coffee after a meal consisting of several courses. After very spicy Arabic cuisine, the taste buds react rather weakly. And only water helped to fully enjoy the rare, expensive drink.

Residents of the eastern deserts, despite the scorching heat, never stopped drinking coffee. And there the combination of this pleasure with water was caused by a physical need. After all, after coffee, dry mouth increases and thirst increases.

In hot weather, combining hot coffee with water is a must. This will help reduce the load on the heart, which is already very serious in the heat.

Plus for health

A glass of water while drinking coffeeDrinking coffee and water at the same time minimizes harm to both the cardiovascular system and teeth.
The habit of drinking coffee with water allows you to not only enjoy every cup of your favorite drink to the fullest, but also brings benefits. Each serving of this natural drink contains caffeine and theobromine. Caffeine has an invigorating effect that is felt immediately after entering the human body and lasts up to 25 minutes; it dilates the blood vessels of the heart, brain and kidneys. Theobromine begins to act later, when the effect of caffeine has already worn off and can have a soporific effect. A few sips of water after coffee can neutralize the effects of theobromine.

In addition, it is believed that:

  • a portion of clean water allows you to reduce the mass fraction of caffeine, thus preventing high blood pressure;
  • A sip of water will help protect your teeth from the characteristic yellowish plaque.

Why should you drink coffee with water?

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