What is coffee acidity and why is it not always good?

Many consumers notice that sometimes coffee has a sour taste. There are several answers to the reasonable question of why coffee sours.
Sourness is not an acidic taste or bitterness, but a pleasant feature of many types of coffee. Acidity is considered one of the main characteristics of coffee, determining the pungency of taste.

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Coffee and acid

Did you know that standard coffee contains about thirty different acids? We are not. This is true. Coffee contains acids that are also found in vinegar and citrus fruits.

Acidity is measured on the pH scale. The latter varies from zero (strongly acidic environment) to fourteen (strongly alkaline environment). Interestingly, pure water has a pH of seven, that is, the environment in it is neutral.

What is the pH value of coffee? The regular variety has a pH of about five, meaning this drink is less acidic than fruit juice. But the pH of the acid contained in gastric juice is zero.

Acids in food do not have a harmful effect on everyone. However, if you have a sensitive gastrointestinal tract, then foods with high acidity can negatively affect your body.


Cubans have been cultivating different varieties of coffee beans for more than several centuries. And they successfully succeed in this craft, which can be seen in Altura, worthy of a try for any gourmet. Its peculiarity is the increased level of caffeine.

In addition, the Cuban product has unique taste qualities - a combination of chocolate and tobacco. There is practically no sourness, but there is plenty of bitterness with cocoa and tobacco undertones. The “cherry on the cake” (aftertaste) is the tropical fruits.


Coffee and acidity

So, when coffee experts talk about the “acidity” of a drink, they are talking about its taste, not its acid content. Typically this indicator reflects the quality of the grains. For example, those grown at high altitudes are usually called acidic because of their bright, rich flavor.

The bottom line is that you shouldn't avoid a coffee brand just because of the word "acidity" in its flavor description. Dark roast beans tend to be less acidic due to their flavor. However, this coffee contains a high concentration of quinic acid, which creates an unpleasant feeling in the stomach.


The next place in our selection of the best varieties of coffee beans goes to a Colombian product, only this time caffeinated. It is of high quality, as even the name “Supremo” indicates, meaning production using modern technologies.

A drink made from these beans will initially amaze you with a sweet floral aroma, which transforms into a caramel flavor with a bright sourness of red currants. It also becomes an aftertaste.


Top 7 best low acidity coffee

If you are prone to acid reflux, heartburn, or have other gastrointestinal diseases that are triggered by coffee, then you should try one of the following delicious low-acid drinks.

In general, coffee lovers, who find the acidic tastes of some types of coffee too bitter and unpleasant, also began to opt for a low-acidity drink. Their acid content is minimal, and other flavors of the grains are revealed more fully and become brighter. Low-acid foods are said to have particularly noticeable fruit, nut and chocolate notes.

So, below are seven of the best low acid coffees that you should try.

Low acidity coffee LifeBoost

We believe the best low acid coffee is made by LifeBoost.

The secret to these low acid grains is that nothing is added to them and nothing is taken from them. The acid content is explained by the area in which such coffee is produced and the cultivation conditions.

These specialty grains from Nicaragua are non-GMO. They are fair trade, USDA certified organic and kosher. These grains are grown on one farm in the shade, at an altitude of more than 1.7 km. This, by the way, is unusual, since most low-acid coffee is grown at lower altitudes.

The product, grown in the shade, has a complex, prestigious taste. The fact is that the fruits of the coffee tree can fully ripen. The natural sugars of the grains are felt in the final drink; they give the product a rich taste. Less than 2% of the world's coffee is shade grown, and LifeBoost is among that number.

Farmers hand select the best grains. Each of them is harvested only when the fruit is fully ripe. LifeBoost coffee beans are then sun dried to reach the ideal moisture content of 11.5%. This prevents the development of mold. Finally, the coffee is slowly roasted. It has a pleasant taste with notes of chocolate and caramel. Since coffee is low in acidity, it does not leave a bitter taste in the mouth.

We checked the pH of this product using a universal indicator. It turned out that its pH is 6 (remember that the pH of water is 7, which corresponds to a neutral environment).

What are the disadvantages of these grains? They are quite expensive. However, the high quality is worth it.

LifeBoost Whole Bean Coffee – 340 g in jute bag

Approximate cost: $24.00

Puroast low acidity whole bean coffee

Puroast produces their low-acid coffee by slow roasting Venezuelan beans over burning wood. As a result, the acidity of the drink is reduced by 70% compared to a regular product produced by popular brands.

Additionally, Puroast coffee contains seven times more antioxidants than green tea and five times more than other coffee brands. To create its product, the company uses 100% premium raw materials. It contains no calories, gluten, or additives. Plus, this coffee is kosher.

As for the taste, it is pleasant, aromatic, such as is typical for dark roast coffee.

Puroast low acidity coffee – dark “French” roast, whole beans, 1.1 kg package

Approximate cost: $21.00

Organic low acid coffee Republika

To create low acidity coffee, Republika uses 100% organic Arabica beans that are air roasted. The product is non-GMO, fair trade and grown on Rainforest Alliance certified plantations.

The coffee has a rich, well-balanced and non-bitter taste. The acidity of the grains is reduced by 80%, so the drink will not have a harmful effect on the stomach and tooth enamel. The Republika product is ideal for both chilled drinks and regular hot coffee.

If you want coffee that tastes delicious and won't harm your digestion or teeth, then this product is for you.

Low acidity, medium-dark roast coffee Java Planet

Java Planet is a family-owned company that produces USDA Certified Organic, Non-GMO coffee.

Colombian Arabica beans are used to create this low acidity product. They are fried in small batches to preserve flavor and freshness.

The taste of this drink is rich, balanced, and its acidity is weakly expressed.

Java Planet - Colombian Organic Beans, Fair Trade, Low Acid, Medium-Dark Roast, Arabica, Specialty Coffee (450g)

Approximate cost: $14.99

Lucy Jo's Coffee Mellow Belly Organic Ground Coffee

Lucy Jo's Coffee Roastery is a family-owned coffee roastery located in New York City. This ground coffee is made using organic Arabica beans from Indonesia and Brazil.

By their nature they are low acidic. Slow roasting results in a delicious, satisfying drink with a sweet, earthy flavor and hints of spice.

Lucy Jo's Coffee Mellow Belly Organic Ground Coffee, 310 g

Approximate cost: $12.89

HealthWise Low Acid Coffee for Keurig K-Cup Coffee Machines

If you have a Keurig K-Cup coffee machine, then you'll be glad to know that you don't miss out on the chance to try the low-acid drink.

This premium Keurig product is made using Colombian Arabica beans. The roasting process is approved by the FDA - Food and Drug Administration. The result is coffee of low acidity, which does not have bitterness and harshness of taste. However, it retains all the essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Additionally, this product is kosher and contains no nut residues.

K-Cup coffee pods fit any Keurig 2.0 coffee machine.

HealthWise Low Acid Coffee for Keurig K-Cup Coffee Machines, 100% Colombia Supremo, 12 pcs.

Approximate cost: $12.64

Tieman's Fusion Low Acid Medium Roast Coffee

Tieman's Fusion Low Acid Ground Coffee is made from 100% Arabica beans sourced from South and Central America. The word “Fusion” in the name means that red rooibos tea and matcha green tea are added to it. As a result, the product has an almost neutral environment and, therefore, the concentration of acids in it is low.

In addition, the antioxidant content in this drink is five times higher than the daily requirement. Matcha green tea helps burn fat reserves and produce energy. This means you can get your caffeine fix without the side effects like jitters and stomach upset, and you can still lose weight!

This coffee has a balanced and soft taste. This drink is best prepared in a French press.

Ground coffee low acidity medium roast Tieman's Fusion, 280 g package

Approximate cost: $14.17

Natural sourness

Coffee varieties

Coffee berries contain three dozen acids. Professional coffee lovers divide them into three groups:

  • floral acid - grapes;
  • citrus – orange, lemon, berries;
  • acid of nuts and cocoa.

High-quality Arabica, which grows in India, Brazil, and Colombia, is considered sour.

Sour Arabica varieties: “Burundi”, “Rwanda”, “Sidamo”, “Ethiopia Yorgachef”. Types with less pronounced sourness: “Ethiopia Jimma”, “Guatemala”, “Supremo”, “Excelso”.

These varieties make classic cappuccino or espresso.


The taste of coffee depends on the altitude at which the plantation is located. Sour coffee berries grow in the mountains, and bitter coffee berries grow in the lowlands.

This feature depends on the oxygen level. On plantations up to 2000 meters above sea level it is 3 times less. The grains ripen more slowly, so they have a rich sour taste.

The sourish taste of grains is fully revealed by “washed” processing, when the pulp and gluten in the parchment shell (pachment) are removed from them.

When the coffee berries dry completely and ripen on the tree, their taste becomes sweet.

Taste in blends

Coffee producers produce several dozen blend options. In them, Arabica is mixed with Robusta in different proportions.

The acidity of the blend depends on the amount of Arabica. The more it is, the stronger the sourness will appear.

Blends with a predominance of robusta are suitable for fans of the bitter drink.

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At a minimum

Fans of rich, bitter espresso should take a closer look at the Robusta variety. There are no acids in it, but there is a bitterness. When choosing beans, be guided by the country of origin and the degree of roasting.

Indian Robusta cherry has a minimal sour taste. It has a deep taste and high strength.

"Maragodzhip" from the Republic of Nicaragua does not sour. It smells of spices and cocoa.

Rich, sweet espresso with faint notes of cherry is obtained from the Brazilian Mediana variety.

Arabica is considered to be of higher quality. Varieties with minimal sour taste are produced: “Brazil Santos”, “Malabar Monsoon”, Nepalese varieties: Mount Everest Kukri Specialty, Mount Everest Supreme.

German varieties have a mild taste with barely noticeable sourness: “Gorilla Bar Crema”, “Gorilla Super Bar Crema”, “Impresto Espresso Gold”.

Selection of low acidity coffee

There are two main types of low acidity drink: processed and natural.

What's the difference?

Processed low acid coffee

To create this type of product, special processing techniques are used that deliberately reduce the acid content. For example, the acidity of Brazilian coffee is reduced by slow or intermittent roasting. If you steam the beans before roasting to remove their waxy outer shell, you can achieve the same effect.

Natural low acidity coffee

This type of drink by its nature has a low concentration of acids. As a rule, this type includes coffee that is grown at low altitudes. The product from Brazil, Sumatra, Peru, Guatemala and Mexico is a natural low acidity coffee.

You can also reduce acid levels by mixing ground coffee with a stomach soothing powder. These alkaline foods effectively reduce the acidity of the drink, but they also affect the taste.

Ways to reduce the acidity of coffee

The degree of roasting can greatly affect the acidity of the drink. Typically, dark roasted coffee is less acidic than light roasted coffee. In addition, you can reduce the acidity of the product by drying the whole grains, especially if they have not yet been extracted from the fruit.

Arabica beans contain significantly less acids than robusta beans.

This means, theoretically, you need to choose 100% Arabica coffee beans, which are grown on Brazilian plantations at low altitude, dried whole and roasted to a dark degree.

Chilled drinks are the best option

Coffee preparation method and temperature greatly affect the acidity of the finished drink.

To obtain a low acidity product, you should prepare a cold drink in a French press.

Interestingly, chilled coffee contains about 70% less acids than a regular hot drink made from the same beans. Chilled coffee can be prepared in a French press. You can familiarize yourself with this method in the article.

If you still want hot coffee...

All this, of course, is good, but no one wants to drink iced coffee when there is snow outside and the temperature is approaching zero. Don't despair!

If you don't use a finely ground product, you can still make a hot drink with low acidity. For example, if you prepare coarsely ground coffee in a French press, the concentration of acids will be relatively low. The fact is that the larger the grain particles, the less acids they will release into the water.

If you like to add milk or cream to your coffee, this is also a good way to reduce the acidity of the drink. Why? Calcium, which is found in dairy products, is an excellent acid neutralizer.

If you drink black coffee, you can try adding flavorless calcium powder to your drink to reduce the acidity.

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