After coffee you feel dizzy and feel ill, why does weakness occur?

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Shoshina Vera Nikolaevna

Therapist, education: Northern Medical University. Work experience 10 years.

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Many people experience dizziness after coffee. This symptom occurs not only among those who rarely drink this drink, but also among real coffee lovers. Why does this reaction occur? It is worth knowing about the effects of caffeine on the body before you abuse it.

Effects of caffeine on the body

A small cup of aromatic coffee really invigorates! Why do such changes occur in the body? A person feels a surge of vivacity, energy surges, he wants to work and create miracles. Coffee is a kind of narcotic substance that people get used to. They need a new dose of drink every day to experience a surge of emotions. The caffeine contained in the drink is to blame for all this. It has a stimulating effect on the body, which is expressed in a surge of strength, a cheerful and energetic mood. But the effects of caffeine do not last long. To improve performance, you have to spur the body with a new dose of coffee, and this is already quite dangerous for all the internal organs of the human body.

What is the effect of caffeine on the human body? Here's how coffee lovers describe their feelings:

  1. The head becomes clear and sane.
  2. You want to have a snack, but if you don’t drink coffee in the morning, many people don’t want to eat.
  3. There is a feeling of increased performance. A person feels enough energy to move mountains, sort out piles of work at work, and get through a report faster.
  4. After a fragrant drink, it becomes easier to breathe, you can take a deep breath and come up with some smart idea.

Losing excess weight

Drinking a dark, invigorating drink will help you quickly achieve your desired goal of losing a few extra pounds. Caffeine stimulates metabolic processes in the body, thereby increasing the amount of energy. In addition, coffee reduces cravings for sweets and also suppresses appetite. Therefore, it is no wonder that many people start their morning with just a cup of aromatic freshly brewed coffee. This technique is also used as a snack. Therefore, you and I have just the perfect tool for losing excess weight.

Heart, blood vessels and a cup of coffee

This drink is especially dangerous for heart patients. Caffeine causes blood vessels to spasm, they narrow, and the heart has to beat much faster to pump blood to other organs and systems. Rapid heartbeat in itself is already unpleasant, and it can also cause pain in the heart area. The person feels dizzy, and if he has not eaten before, an attack of nausea occurs. Sometimes the unpleasant symptoms are so strong that a person may pass out (lose consciousness) for a short time.

It should be borne in mind that heart disease is dangerous in itself, and if this organ is also constantly stimulated by caffeine, then a heart attack is not far away.

The habit of drinking coffee (even in small doses) in people with heart or vascular disease can lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of a heart attack or stroke.

So is it worth risking your health for a moment of pleasure?

Use of coffee additives

After coffee you feel dizzy and feel ill, why does weakness occur?

Artificial and zero-calorie sweeteners activate gut bacteria, leading to digestive problems.

Non-dairy, low-fat and artificial creamers, and artificial sweeteners are not the best additives to drinks. Cream contains harmful ingredients - hydrogenated oils, corn syrup, thickeners, and other unnatural, harmful ingredients. Dipotassium phosphate, an ingredient used to break down the acidity of coffee, can lead to diarrhea and nausea.

To reduce acidity and obtain a mild taste, add natural milk or natural cream. Doctors recommend avoiding supplements. Black coffee without sweeteners or cream is much healthier and reveals more flavor.

Now in the West, non-traditional coffee additives have become fashionable, introduced with the light hand of an American traveling in Tibet. Nowadays it is customary to add butter and not cream and sugar to coffee. Moreover, it is desirable that the product be of high quality and made from the milk of cows grazing on natural meadows.

This may seem a little strange, but if the condition is met, it really gives the desired effect. People who drink coffee with butter provide their body with invigorating energy, protect against diseases and lose weight. If you replace sugar and milk with butter in your usual morning drink, you will get the incomparable taste of a creamy unsweetened latte and all the invaluable benefits of consuming the product.

Well, if you take a mixture of butter and coconut oil as a supplement, you will saturate your body with triglycerides - healthy fatty acids. In this case, in addition to the benefits of caffeine, the benefits of such an excellent product as coconut oil will be added. Your skin will become better and cleaner, your psyche will be able to withstand stress more effectively, and your digestion will only improve.

Effect of caffeine on the human brain

The coffee drink helps stimulate brain receptors. As a result, after drinking a cup of coffee, the commands that the human brain produces are distorted and transformed. The brain produces a special substance - adenosine, which is a neurotransmitter. Its production occurs around the clock, but the amount may vary depending on whether a person is awake or resting. Adenosine can slow down the action of brain neurons, which is a signal for the brain to rest.

Adenosine affects the blood vessels that supply the brain. It attaches to brain receptors and causes vasodilation. Under the influence of adenosine, neurons are abundantly supplied with oxygen during night rest.

When caffeine enters the blood, the process of replacing adenosine with it occurs, since caffeine is similar in structure to it. The body does not receive signals that it is time to rest, and the blood vessels undergo severe constriction. This leads to headache or dizziness.

Drinks containing caffeine are not recommended to be taken in the afternoon. The effect of caffeine on the body does not occur immediately, which is why sleep problems arise. The brain, excited by caffeine, cannot calm down, which negatively affects overall well-being.

Coffee affects the pituitary gland, which, in response to stimulation, begins to intensively produce hormones. They go to the adrenal glands, which contributes to the production of a large dose of adrenaline. It is the effect of the latter on the body that leads to the appearance of such symptoms:

  • breathing and heartbeat quicken, pulse just goes off scale;
  • if you pay attention to the eyes of a coffee drinker, you will notice dilated pupils;
  • under the influence of caffeine, a redistribution of blood in the body occurs: the main arteries leading to the heart and brain dilate, and the peripheral vessels become severely spasmed, causing a lack of blood in the skin and gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of vertigo after coffee

Doctors explain the occurrence of pathological symptoms after consuming invigorating drinks by several factors. One of the main reasons is the individual characteristics of the human body, others can be one-time or periodic. One way or another, this is a reason to take action regarding your health.

So, why do you feel dizzy after drinking coffee?

  1. Changes in blood pressure. Caffeine can increase blood pressure, provoke headaches, vasospasm, and disrupt the blood flow of the “gray matter,” which can cause vertigo. In excessive quantities, it can reduce blood pressure, resulting in weakness and dizziness.
  2. Overwork. If a patient suffers from insomnia, works at night and drinks coffee constantly, he may experience negative symptoms. Immediately after consuming an invigorating drink, he becomes more active, and incredible vigor appears. But after the effect of the alkaloid decreases, fatigue returns, and cephalgia is observed.
  3. Very sweet coffee. Just 150-200 ml of the drink can increase the blood sugar level, as a result the body begins to work hard, and after half an hour tension occurs, resulting in a severe headache.
  4. Oversaturation. The lethal dosage of coffee for a person weighing 80 kg is 100 cups. But even a liter drunk throughout the day can negatively affect the patient’s well-being. This especially applies to strong drinks without milk. Other signs of intoxication are tachycardia, facial flushing, nausea, vomiting, headache, stomach cramps, diarrhea.

For various diseases, it is recommended to reduce the usual dosage of coffee. An invigorating drink has a negative effect on a weakened body and the person’s condition in general during flu and colds.

Pressure change
Caffeine can increase blood pressure, provoke headaches, vasospasm, and disrupt the blood flow of the “gray matter”

Do the gastrointestinal tract suffer from coffee?

If you consider that after a cup of coffee you feel hungry, then this may be good for those who suffer from lack of appetite. In addition, scientists have noticed that coffee taken after a meal can improve the process of digesting food. This is also a positive aspect of drinking coffee. But many are accustomed to pampering themselves with this aromatic drink on an empty stomach, which contributes to the occurrence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, there is a possibility of developing gastritis and even peptic ulcers.

If you already have a history of peptic ulcers, you should avoid taking caffeine-containing products.

Workout cocktail

Did you know that drinking one cup of coffee immediately before your workout can improve your performance in the gym or on the treadmill? Scientists from the UK studied a group of triathletes who were able to improve their results by 5% by drinking a small portion of an invigorating drink before training. This became possible due to the partial dulling of pain in the muscles during heavy exertion.

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Coffee and pregnancy

Why don’t gynecologists recommend pregnant girls drink coffee? Any pregnant woman should protect her unborn baby from the effects of everything negative. If we consider that caffeine is a narcotic substance, then it is better to abstain from drinking coffee during pregnancy.

Doctors believe that regular consumption of coffee drink can provoke premature birth, and this poses a threat to the life of mother and child. Caffeine increases blood pressure; thanks to this substance, the muscles of the uterus can become toned, which is very dangerous for the health of a pregnant woman.


Nausea from coffee can be caused by increased arterial and intracranial pressure. Scientists have proven that coffee drinks in small quantities do not affect the manifestation of hypertension and make blood vessels elastic. High blood pressure is caused by a combination with poor diet, stress, excess weight, and alcohol abuse. You need to worry if symptoms appear with nausea: dizziness, weakness, rapid heartbeat.


  • Eat right, give up alcohol, lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Contact your doctor, he will prescribe treatment and determine the possible amount of dangerous food and drinks you may consume.

Doctors' opinions on the coffee problem

Discussions among scientists about the effect of caffeine on potency continue to this day. There is no clear evidence of a decrease in potency after drinking coffee, but many believe that caffeine can act slowly, causing problems in the near future.

The female body also suffers from the effects of caffeine. Eggs are very delicate creatures, sensitive to any changes occurring in the body.

There is a theory that a cup of coffee taken daily can reduce the risk of cancer by 2 times. But there is no exact evidence for this theory, so drinking coffee to avoid getting cancer is quite risky.

How to prevent nausea

Systematic deterioration of the condition after drinking espresso is a reason to consult a doctor. It is necessary to conduct a gastroenterological study, check how often the heart muscles contract, and take tests to determine the level of hormones.

If such problems occur in women, a pregnancy test should also be performed.

The following recommendations will help prevent the occurrence of such symptoms:

  • purchase quality products;
  • drink coffee with milk. This way it is possible to reduce the acidity level;
  • drink a maximum of a couple of cups a day at intervals of 3-4 hours;
  • prepare a drink that is not too strong;
  • do not drink invigorating liquid on an empty stomach;
  • drink at least a small amount of water.

Coffee has a pronounced, rich aroma. The coffee smell has no contraindications or side effects. Nausea indicates problems in the body, the development of diseases, or the presence of an allergic reaction. The reasons are:

  1. Pregnancy. A pregnant woman's sense of smell increases, hormonal levels change - the smell can have an irritating effect on the woman.
  2. Diseases of the nervous system, increased intracranial pressure.
  3. Neurological and endocrine diseases.
  4. Stressful situations.
  5. Gastrointestinal problems.
  6. Allergy.

Nausea from the smell of coffee that appears suddenly should alert you. The exact cause will be determined by the doctor.

How people react to caffeine

Each person's reaction to drinking coffee is highly individual. For some, even after a single dose, their hearts begin to beat wildly, trying to escape from their chest, while others can calmly drink several cups a day and not complain about their health. If there is an individual intolerance to caffeine-containing products, then it is better to avoid them completely.

Why do people react differently to coffee? There are several factors that can influence sensitivity to coffee:

  • if a person’s weight is below normal, then he will feel the effect of coffee much faster than his chubby friend;
  • regular consumption of a coffee drink leads to a gradual increase in the dose, which means that the harm to the body will be greater;
  • pills and caffeine are a rather dangerous combination that can cause unpredictable consequences for the body;
  • If a person drinks coffee quite rarely, then the body’s reaction will be expressed in a fairly noticeable increase in blood pressure. But this phenomenon is short-term in nature and does not pose a great threat to the body;
  • People with mental health problems may react quite unexpectedly to coffee, so they are not recommended to take this drink.

This indispensable drink of vigor

The stimulating effect of coffee is known to everyone today. It is an indispensable awakening tool for many people. You can often hear that a person cannot wake up without a cup of coffee. This may indicate addiction to the drink.

dizzy from coffee

It's not as bad as alcohol or drug addiction. But, if a person does not drink coffee for some reason for some time, then he may feel dizzy, but this phenomenon quickly passes.

Coffee can also make you feel dizzy if you drink it too much. This occurs if you take more than ten cups per day. Overdose of caffeine may cause symptoms such as:

  • insomnia;
  • restlessness and irritability;
  • dizziness;
  • headache.

These symptoms occur due to the influence of certain factors.

Coffee is a product of plant origin. It can have positive and negative effects on the body.

Many people's day starts with a cup of coffee. It helps you get into the mood for work, cheer up, and clear your mind. But is this drink safe? It’s worth finding out.


  1. Even a completely healthy person can feel ill after drinking coffee. If this happens once, there is nothing wrong with it.
  2. Coffee brewed in Turkish coffee may make you feel worse if you do not calculate the dosage or allow the drink to brew with grounds.
  3. Instant coffee makes you feel sick because it contains a lot of chemical additives that can cause an individual reaction.
  4. Most often, coffee makes you sick if the body is weakened, the person did not get enough sleep, or drank too much coffee.
  5. If you feel sick, drink water or milk to neutralize the caffeine.

Coffee detox

If a person consistently drinks coffee in large quantities, then over time he will begin to notice unpleasant symptoms:

  1. Without coffee, the body simply refuses to work normally: there is no vigor, there is constant fatigue, confusion of thoughts.
  2. Even with such “fatigue” you will suffer from insomnia.
  3. Your appetite will become poor.
  4. The person will be constantly irritated.
  5. Chronic diseases will worsen due to the weakening of the body by caffeine.
  6. Dizziness will become habitual, trembling in the hands will become stable.

If you are an avid coffee drinker, meaning you drink more than two cups of coffee a day, a detox from this drink will not harm you. Despite all its beneficial properties, which include, for example, improving brain activity and stimulating digestion, in large quantities coffee leads to kidney problems, disrupts natural sleep/wake cycles, and negatively affects the nervous and endocrine systems.

1-2 cups of brewed coffee, drunk before 14.00-16.00, generally bring only benefits. Of course, if it is a high-quality drink and you do not drink coffee on an empty stomach, and also do not over-sweet it. Exceeding this norm is fraught with health problems. To “steer” to fewer cups, you can do something radical and completely eliminate coffee from your life for a while. If you're up for the challenge, it might be helpful to know what can happen to your body during a coffee detox.

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