The best statuses about autumn and coffee. Quotes about coffee

Coffee morning!

The morning is good only if it starts with a cup of coffee, and nothing else! Statuses about coffee and mornings, which can always be fixed if you know how.

  1. Well, I sat for a couple of nights, cried, drank coffee... But how beautifully I left!
  2. A cigarette takes 5 minutes of working time, and a mug of coffee takes about 15 minutes! Conclusion: coffee is more harmful than cigarettes!
  3. Happy first day of spring everyone! And I think I’ll start my day with a cup of coffee.
  4. Coffee is the nectar of life. It is thanks to him that we are still alive!
  5. You're tired of your nicotine drops... you'd be better off experimenting with coffee drops! Look, there would be fewer casualties!
  6. Suicide is the choice of those who do not know how to make coffee!
  7. Dead streets outside the window and a cup of coffee in your hands are a killer combination!
  8. Sometimes it seems to me that all the best coffee beans are actually selected, and the rest are sold to us!
  9. There was a divine aroma of coffee in the kitchen, and the smell of your cigarettes was in the air... fucking memories.
  10. In the morning - coffee, in the evening - wine. And so day after day, until I stop dreaming about you...
  11. Quitting smoking is damn hard when you're holding a hot cup of coffee in your hands.
  12. The best way to warm up is to drink coffee!
  13. It’s morning again... again, make coffee, go to the balcony and smoke mysteriously. Yes, as much as possible! We need some variety!
  14. Morning silence and a mug of coffee... what could be more beautiful?
  15. Morning cup of bliss...
  16. Smoking coffee, drinking cigarettes - life is upside down, thanks for the advice...
  17. I’m unlikely to be able to love as sincerely as I love coffee.
  18. Good morning only happens if it has the aroma of coffee!

Coffee morning. Is a cup of invigorating coffee in the morning beneficial or harmful - all the pros and cons

Breakfast, morning, coffee - for many these words are inextricably linked. Every coffee lover is ready to vehemently convince that there is nothing better for a cheerful start to the day than an invigorating portion of this hot drink. However, is it beneficial to include coffee in breakfast, and how can such a habit of a cup of coffee in the morning affect your health?

Coffee in the morning: quick effect

Cup of coffee in the morning for breakfast

A cup of coffee in the morning can actually be beneficial for the body. The effects of caffeine are of primary importance. This alkaloid quickly raises the tone of the central nervous system. Thanks to this, attentiveness and concentration increase, drowsiness disappears. Substances in coffee also improve mood and improve physical tone of the body.

Among the short-term reactions that are provoked by drinking coffee in the morning or at other times of the day, relief from toothache and headache is often indicated. But this is not observed in every person. In addition, the removal of water from the body is accelerated, although this can be both a minus and a plus.

The benefits and harms of coffee in the future

However, the habit of greeting the morning with a cup of coffee, be it grain or instant, can bring the body not only energy for a good start. The positive properties of coffee are more extensive and can lead to favorable changes in the body if consumed systematically.

Due to the presence of a large amount of antioxidants, it is believed that this product stops the aging of tissues and organs, and is also actively involved in cancer prevention.

Scientists' opinions on this issue:

  • Research by Harvard University researchers concludes that regular consumption of coffee drinks in moderation (but not less than 200 ml per day) reduces the risk of developing diabetes by 8%.
  • The same Harvard results showed that two or more cups of an invigorating drink per day suppresses the risk of kidney stones by 26%.
  • Finnish scientists say that drinking at least 0.8 liters of coffee per day reduces the risk of developing depression by 77%.
  • Oncology research specialists at the University of Hawaii convince us that people who drink coffee every day develop liver cancer 80% less often.
  • Research by specialists from Italy suggests a reduction in the risk of developing asthma in adults when consuming 2-3 cups of coffee per day.
  • The Harvard College of Public Health, in a study involving more than 86,000 women, concluded that those who drink at least 2 cups of coffee a day are 65% more likely to develop hypertension, diabetes, and are much less likely to think about suicide.
  • Oncologists from the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health say coffee more than halves the risk of bladder cancer in smokers.

Thanks to the presence of chlorogenic acid, coffee drinks improve digestion and increase metabolic efficiency. Vitamin PP helps strengthen vascular walls, and a standard serving of the drink contains 20% of the daily intake of this element.

Coffee in the morning for breakfast

Briefly, about other benefits of coffee in the long term:

  • prevents stone formation in the kidneys and gall bladder;
  • makes the body more resilient;
  • improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • reduces the risk of developing Parkinson's disease and liver cirrhosis;
  • increases psycho-emotional tone, prevents depression, develops creative, abstract and associative thinking;
  • stimulates the functionality of the lungs and their immunity;
  • helps hypotensive patients maintain normal blood pressure levels;
  • relieves muscle pain, accelerates tissue recovery after physical activity;
  • reduces the harm from smoking;
  • enhances the effect of antibiotics;
  • prevents the development of gout.

Possible harms of coffee for breakfast

Adding coffee to your breakfast is not a bad idea, but to avoid harmful effects, you should be aware of the potential dangers of the product.

First of all, if we are talking about a morning cup of coffee, it is strictly forbidden to drink this drink on an empty stomach. This will trigger the production of digestive juices into an empty stomach. The walls of the organ will begin to be irritated by the juice, and this is a direct path to gastritis and ulcers.

The condition is further aggravated by the fact that coffee is highly acidic and enhances the chemical activity of digestive juice.

Due to its ability to increase blood pressure, coffee should not be consumed by patients with hypertension. Even taking into account everything that has been said about the benefits of coffee composition for the performance of the heart, if congestive and acute diseases occur in this area, it is better to avoid the drink.

Perhaps the most common side effect of morning coffee is addiction. It forms very often, since the invigorating effect disappears a couple of hours after getting up and people reach for a second serving of coffee. The need to “recharge” leads to drinking 3-5 cups a day. Such a habit inevitably leads to addiction, which narcologists consider no less strong than alcohol and nicotine.

Caffeine addicts do not experience the positive effects of the alkaloid, so they are prone to irritability, loss of strength, lack of concentration, and loss of attention.

We should not forget that coffee enhances the removal of fluid from the body without stimulating thirst, which can lead to dehydration.

Doctors prohibit drinking coffee in the morning for those who experience disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, high excitability, suffer from hypertension (including intracranial), cholecystitis, gastric diseases, atherosclerosis, glaucoma and cirrhosis of the liver.

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