5 recipes for making delicious cappuccino in a coffee machine

How to prepare a latte in a coffee machine will determine its flavor, the thickness of the foam and the pattern on it. It's difficult to do everything right without skill. It is no coincidence that professional baristas compete in this skill. The classic recipe of the drink consists of 3 components: espresso, milk and milk foam. It is difficult to prepare it without special equipment. A coffee machine will simplify the process and do most of the work.

Coffee latte

A classic latte is a coffee-milk drink that is a layered cocktail of heated milk, espresso and thick foam.

In Italian, the full name is “latte macchiato”, meaning “stained milk”.

Fierce debate continues among Russian coffee lovers on the topic of how to correctly pronounce this word. The answer to this question is determined by the rules of pronunciation of the original language. Since the name familiar to Russians comes from the Italian language (caffe latte), it must be pronounced with emphasis on the first syllable of the word.

History of appearance

The first recipe for coffee with milk, cappuccino, was invented in Italy. Until the beginning of the 19th century, it remained unknown to Europeans. The fashion for ancient culture led to a massive influx of tourists to the Apennine Peninsula. Most of them appreciated the cappuccino, but some found it so strong that they asked for more milk.

In 1847, the first ever mention of a cappuccino derivative, latte, appeared in one of the British newspapers. It was brewed in small Italian coffee shops for foreign guests. A detailed description of it was made by William Dean Howells in his book Italian Travels.

According to Americans, the birthplace of latte is the USA. Layered coffee owes its origin to migrant Lino Mejorin from sunny Italy, owner of the Mediterraneum bar in the town of Berkeley.

Recognition for the coffee-milk drink came in the 1980s, when latte spread to chain coffee shops around the world. Nowadays, it is most loved by business youth, and is also considered one of the signs of elitism in a number of Canadian cities and regions of the United States.

Selecting ingredients for cooking

Those who decide to make a latte will need the following composition:

  • 150 ml pasteurized milk;
  • 50 ml espresso;
  • sugar.

These ingredients will make a standard volume (200 ml).

The characteristics that latte coffee prepared according to the technological map should have are shown in the table.

How much caffeine is in the drink100-136 mg
Temperature of the finished drink65-70 °C
Portion volume150-230 ml

How this airy drink is prepared:

  • It is better to take milk of medium fat content - 2.5–3.2%;
  • blend: there is no need to take 100% Arabica, a large volume of milk suppresses the noble notes of elite varieties (up to 20% Robusta is acceptable);
  • grinding requirements: medium or fine is optimal.

To start

Ask someone at home to prepare products and equipment for coffee creativity, and at this time introduce them to the wonderful drink and teach them how to correctly pronounce the word latte. A short excursion into history and an introduction to the peculiarities of linguistics will take only a couple of paragraphs.

But first, give us a list of necessary things and ingredients that need to be taken out of the cupboards and refrigerator to make a latte:

  • the kitchen is equipped with a coffee machine or coffee maker - great, with their help we will make espresso;
  • if there is no coffee maker, take out a Turk or take a regular mug to brew coffee directly in it;
  • Among the kitchen utensils there is a blender - okay, let's get it ready for business. You can also use a mixer;

Pay attention to the wonderful device for frothing milk, it is called a milk frother or cappuccino maker. This is a mini mixer that turns milk or cream into a fluffy foamy product in a minute. In addition to its direct “milk whipping” purpose, it can be used to beat eggs perfectly for omelettes. A useful thing and inexpensive - in online stores 300-400 rubles.

Milk frother

  • in the complete absence of technical devices, take a French press or a regular 500-750 ml jar with a tight-fitting lid;
  • Prepare teaspoons; if you have them with a long handle, they will come in handy. Get out the cocktail straws too;
  • A jug or a special pitcher (a small metal jug that baristas use to froth milk with hot steam in a coffee machine) will be convenient. If you don’t have such utensils, you can use a Turk, it also has a spout;


  • The final stage will be combining the components in a tall transparent glass. A latte looks good in a special glass with a handle at the bottom (Irish glass). Tall glass beer glasses work too. If the content is more important to you than the beauty of the drink and you don’t want to waste time contemplating the mystery of forming a latte pattern, take a large, thick-walled ceramic cup with a volume of at least 200 ml.

Products you will need:

  • 50 ml of espresso, prepare it from 1 heaped teaspoon of ground coffee and 60 ml of water, which is certainly filtered, or preferably bottled;
  • 150 ml of milk with a fat content of at least 2.5%;
  • sugar is at your discretion, you can do without it.

In the future, when the basic model of latte coffee is mastered, many discoveries of new tastes and pleasures await us. In the meantime, while collecting tools and ingredients, read this information aloud to your assistants.

Latte classic recipe

In a latte prepared according to a traditional Italian recipe, milk and coffee are contained in a ratio of 1:3. Since the proportion of milk is about 85%, latte has a delicate taste.

How to prepare:

  1. Prepare espresso.
  2. Whip the milk with a cappuccino maker. The resulting foam should be lighter and airier than for cappuccino.
  3. Foamed milk is poured into the cup, after which hot espresso is poured in a thin stream - the drink should be layered.

The most important thing when preparing a latte is working with milk: if it overheats, the taste of the drink will be irrevocably spoiled.

Basic requirements for foam:

  • the presence of homogeneity in structure, without large bubbles;
  • The consistency of the foam should be similar to cream (baristas call it “wet foam”).

How to make a latte at home

The simplicity of the recipe allows you to prepare latte coffee without special equipment at home. For latte, it is not necessary to use fresh grinding: even store-bought or home-grown coffee, brewed in a Turk on the stove or a simple home coffee maker, will produce an aromatic and non-bitter drink.

To make a latte at home:

  1. Make some coffee. It is ideal to use a shot of strong espresso, but coffee brewed in a Turk will also work.
  2. Next, move on to milk (in a ratio of 3 to 1). Let's consider the method of preparing frothed milk: first it is heated to 60-70 °C (you can use a microwave oven), after which it is whipped for 3-5 minutes with a mixer.
  3. Slowly pour the milk, whipped until foamy, into a transparent glass (about 3/4 of the total volume).
  4. Slowly pour hot black coffee into the cup in a thin stream. To avoid mixing the layers, you can pour it along the blade of a knife.
  5. The remaining milk foam is placed on top of the finished drink.
  6. Garnish with cinnamon or chocolate chips if desired.

Coffee grind level

The stores offer a choice of ground and bean coffee. To prepare a high-quality, spicy drink, it is better to buy whole grains and grind them yourself. The type of grinding depends primarily on the coffee maker, the preparation method and the coffee recipe.

To make coffee in a carob coffee maker, it is better to use medium and coarse grind beans.

Average. It is universal, more uniform, and prevents clogging of the filter holes. It grinds in 10-13 seconds, the output is grain the size of a grain of granulated sugar.

Large. This method helps slow down the passage of coffee particles through the filters and meshes of the French press. Grind in 10 seconds, resulting in grains measuring 0.8 mm.

What grind is best for a carob-type coffee maker? – medium grind grains, because they filter well without clogging the openings of the horn. In this case, coffee acquires an excellent and rich taste (with coarsely ground beans, the taste is less pronounced).

Coffee beans should be fresh, well roasted and dry. To preserve the taste and beneficial properties of the drink, it is better to grind the grains in small portions (3-4 times).

Do you know what freeze-dried coffee is?

Popular Latte Recipes

Depending on the special additives and the process of pouring coffee into layers, many types of lattes can be distinguished.

Experienced baristas know more than 20 original recipes for this airy cocktail, differing in taste and method of preparation. Let's look at how to make the most common variations of latte.

Vanilla Latte

A light and aromatic vanilla latte is easy and quick to make, allowing you to prepare it both at home and in an equipped cafe.

  1. We brew espresso coffee (you can use a Turk or a coffee maker, as well as a coffee machine).
  2. Pour vanilla syrup into a glass and stir.
  3. Next, carefully pour the milk into the syrup mixture so as not to mix the layers.

In hot weather, you can make a summer latte with vanilla and ice. Cold milk and ice are added to the pre-cooled coffee mixture; the cocktail is not stirred.

Espresso50 ml
Vanilla syrup2 teaspoons
Milk150 ml
Icefor ice coffee

Caramel Latte

Lattes with caramel syrup are loved by children with a sweet tooth, both in their country of origin and throughout the world. The balance of delicate milky taste, exquisite aroma of coffee and playful notes of caramel ensured its love and popularity.

The algorithm for preparing a latte with caramel syrup is similar to the recipe with vanilla syrup; at the final stage, you can additionally decorate the surface layer with a cap of airy cream and caramel sauce, and also add vanilla sugar.

Espresso50-60 ml
Milk150-180 ml
Caramel syrup1 tbsp
Vanilla sugar and whipped creamTo taste and if desired

Ice cream latte

Another option for a refreshing summer latte is a cold cocktail with ice cream. For this option, you can use the decaf blend.

Cooking method:

  1. Place 1 scoop of ice cream in a glass;
  2. Next, pour in 1 portion of hot espresso;
  3. In a thin stream, pour in the milk, previously whipped to a smooth foam.
  4. The finished dessert can be decorated with syrup or a top of whipped cream.
Espresso (hot)55 ml
Milk65 ml
Ice cream (sundae or vanilla)1 ball
Whipped creamoptional

Ginger Latte

A permanent hit of the autumn-winter season is the aromatic and invigorating spicy latte with ginger flavor.

The preparation technology is similar to the recipe with vanilla or caramel syrup; it is additionally recommended to add spices to the coffee shot: cinnamon, cardamom, and chopped hibiscus for decoration.

Espresso60 ml
Hot frothed milk150-180 ml
Ginger syrup1 tbsp
Cinnamon and cardamomTaste
Shredded hibiscus15 g

Latte Bee

The layered coffee drink based on Bee's recipe became famous thanks to the game "My Coffee Shop". It is made from a large number of ingredients: in addition to the classic composition, the following are added to the cocktail:

  • cinnamon;
  • vanilla syrup;
  • hazelnut;
  • natural honey.

Additional ingredients are added to the espresso shot.

Lemon mint latte

Also coming from the My Cafe website, Lemon Balm Latte includes:

  • single shot of espresso;
  • lemon syrup;
  • mint syrup;
  • chocolate chips for decoration.

Latte Macchiato

Coming from the birthplace of drinks, from Italy, latte macchiato is a kind of classic version of the legendary white coffee, differing from the original in the preparation method and three-layer appearance.

Cooking features:

  1. first pour the milk whipped into foam and let it rest (30-40 seconds);
  2. one or two portions of espresso are smoothly poured into the glass in the center (in a ratio of 1:3);
  3. Three layers should be visible in the finished cocktail: milk, black coffee and milk foam.

When serving, the macchiato is served in an Irish glass and garnished with a coffee bean.

Ghetto latte

An original variety of latte, served in many coffee shops in Europe and the USA. Guests are brought separately all the ingredients to prepare the drink, which they mix themselves to their own taste.

Layered Latte

This recipe is quite complicated, but if you want and have the skill, you can make a multi-layer latte with syrup at home, in a coffee machine or French press.

  1. Pour 1 tablespoon of syrup (Irish or other) into the bottom of the glass.
  2. Divide the frothed milk into 2 halves and pour the first into a bowl.
  3. Double espresso is also divided into 2 servings.
  4. Mix the first coffee part with warm and unwhipped milk and carefully pour it over the milk layer.
  5. Next, carefully pour in the remaining black coffee.
  6. Decorate the finished cocktail with whipped foam.

Features of carob coffee makers

The design of horn devices is not much different from their counterparts. The coffee brewing process occurs when pressurized steam passes through the ground coffee beans.

As a result of heat treatment, oily substances and amino acids begin to be released from the grains, due to which the drink acquires its taste and aroma.

Among the accessories of carob coffee makers there is a reservoir-horn, in fact, that’s why the device got its name. It is into this horn that freshly ground coffee is poured.

To choose a good carob coffee machine, you need to consider several nuances:

  1. Good models of coffee makers are equipped with a metal carob reservoir. This allows you to better warm up the contents, ensuring complete extraction of the crushed grains - the transfer of their taste and aromatic properties into water.
  2. The pressure in a carob coffee machine should be about 15 bar at the pump and around 9 bar in the carafe. Power indicators – 1000-1700 W.
  3. The unit should heat the water to a temperature of 87-95°C, without bringing it to a boil. This is very important, because when crushed grains are processed with boiling water, all the aromatic properties of the product quickly disappear, and the drink loses its characteristic smell.

As for the dosage, you can pour the amount of coffee into the cup as needed. The strength of the finished drink depends on how tightly the crushed grains are compressed in the cone. Also important is the degree of grinding of the beans: the finer the coffee fractions, the stronger the drink.

Most models of carob coffee makers are equipped with a tube with a paranello attachment - cappuccino maker. With the help of such a tool it is possible to whip cream and milk into a dense foam. Sometimes the devices are equipped with coffee grinders and pitchers - containers for milk and cream.

To make delicious coffee using a carob coffee maker, remember the following rules:

  1. Always pour coffee into a pre-heated cup/glass, then the drink will not cool down while filling the container.
  2. For carob-type coffee makers, it is better to take medium, finely ground beans.
  3. Choose the right drink preparation program.

Be sure to read: Orange Coffee Recipes

What is the difference between Cappuccino and Latte coffee?

The coffee world is conventionally divided into two parts: the first half of coffee lovers choose latte, while the second half are loyal fans of cappuccino. They differ not in composition, but in the preparation process and the ratio of ingredients.

Coffee to milk ratio1:21:3
Milk foam thickness0.5 cm0.25 cm
Inningsceramic bowl 150-180 mlglass with a capacity of 250-350 ml

Features of making cappuccino in a coffee machine

to prepare cappuccino is in a fully automatic coffee machine.
The easiest way is to make cappuccino in a fully automatic coffee machine. To do this, simply select the appropriate mode and after 1-2 minutes the drink is completely ready. In this case, you only need to think about a couple of nuances: which milk to choose, the fat content of which will provide a thick foam and warm up the mug in advance.

You can make coffee in a semi-automatic machine, which is used by professional baristas, by mastering a simple technology. The most important thing is not to overheat the milk. To obtain a beautiful thick foam, baristas recommend applying steam at low pressure, holding the milk jug until the milk is well heated. And in order to add airiness to the foam, it is recommended to periodically change the degree of immersion of the cappuccino maker.

How to serve and drink Latte correctly

Now that we know how to properly prepare latte coffee at home in a coffee machine or Turk, let’s consider the basic requirements for serving it:

  • traditional serving: in a tall glass or glass so that the coffee can be seen in layers;
  • lovers of comfort can pour latte into large mugs with a volume of 300-400 ml;
  • For decoration you can use cinnamon, chocolate, vanilla sugar, sauce or coffee beans.

The drink should be drunk without mixing.

How to choose a coffee maker to make cappuccino

A drip coffee maker is an inexpensive piece of equipment that will quickly prepare your drink. Thanks to the spiral that heats the water, coffee preparation becomes possible. To start preparing cappuccino, pour water and pour coffee that has already been ground into a certain filter. After turning on the coffee maker, water will drip onto the coffee and then flow into the lower container.

Don't think that this coffee maker, although it has a lot of power, is strong enough. It's the other way around. Due to the rapid process, coffee does not have time to acquire the necessary aroma and taste of the beans. Two options can be proposed to solve this problem.

First, buy a coffee maker that has minimal power. In this case, the drink will be more aromatic and tasty. The second option is to buy a coffee maker in which you can adjust the power. Such devices are more expensive, but in this case, you will one hundred percent feel the peculiarity of the drink you consume.

But still, the drink you get at the end will not be one hundred percent reminiscent of real espresso. After all, the cooking technology is incorrect.

In most cases, carob coffee makers are used to brew the base of the drink. Also, they are also called espresso coffee makers. Making coffee does not take much time and occurs under fairly high pressure. No filters are used here. Instead, there are horns that are made of metal or plastic materials.

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