Can coffee raise cholesterol, expert opinion

What does natural coffee consist of?

Coffee is a product with minimal calorie content, 100.0 milliliters of drink contains only 9.0 calories.

This product also contains:

  • Fat molecules - 0.60 grams;
  • Protein molecules - 0.20 grams;
  • Carbohydrate molecules - 0.10 grams.

The coffee bean contains more than 2000 components, many of which are lost during the processing of the coffee bean.

When coffee beans are roasted, the chemical components disappear; their reduction depends on the degree of steaming.

Certain chemical compounds give it its characteristic invigorating aroma and also affect the quality of coffee.

The main component that makes coffee addictive is caffeine. Drinking a lot of coffee every day causes coffee addiction psychologically and physically, but drinking a couple of cups of coffee does not harm the body.

In 1 cup of strong natural coffee, there is significantly more caffeine than in strong tea, and 2 bottles of cola contain as much caffeine as in 100.0 milliliters of coffee drink.

The caffeine content also depends on the type of coffee - the Robusta variety has a higher percentage of caffeine than the Arabica variety.

Deep roasted beans

Deeply roasted beans lose most of the caffeine component.

Impact on lipid metabolism

Cholesterol is not included in the chemical composition of grains. This fact is puzzling, and the question of what connects coffee and cholesterol in the blood remains open. The reason for the negative impact lies in one of the components.

A substance called “cafestol” causes significant harm to the body, although there is very little of it in the grains. It becomes especially dangerous after preparing the drink.

According to the results of numerous studies, this compound, by irritating the intestinal walls, gives a false signal that the level of cholesterol is insufficient for normal life. The liver begins to actively produce lipids. As a result, their amount in the blood becomes higher than normal. Therefore, people diagnosed with atherosclerosis are prohibited from drinking excessive amounts of coffee.

There is a misconception that milk can neutralize the effect of cafestol. In fact, milk is another source of cholesterol because it enhances the synthesis of fatty alcohols in the liver.

Beneficial features

Also, a cup of freshly brewed natural coffee contains one fifth of the body’s daily requirement for vitamin P.

The vitamin P component, rutin, has the following properties:

  • Strengthens small capillaries, especially in peripheral organs;
  • Restores the elasticity of capillaries and vessels of medium diameter;
  • Normalizes the structure of the vascular membranes;
  • Prevents cholesterol molecules from sticking to the lining of the arteries;
  • Accelerates blood flow in the system.

Coffee beans contain significant amounts of potassium. The number of potassium molecules in a coffee bean is so high that this drink is considered a supplier of potassium molecules to the human body.

The effect of potassium molecules on the human body is great:

  • Corrects the blood pressure index;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the myocardium;
  • Prevents the development of cardiac ischemia and myocardial infarction;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the heart organ;
  • Normalizes the rhythm of the heart;
  • Cleanses the bloodstream system of slagging and toxins;
  • Reduces the risk of cerebral stroke.

Coffee beans contain the component chlorogenic acid. When the beans are roasted, its concentration decreases, but coffee beans contain more chlorogenic acid than any other plant.

This component has the following effects on the body:

  • Improves metabolism;
  • Normalizes the exchange of lipids and carbohydrates;
  • Reduces the likelihood of developing both types of diabetes.

Essential oils in coffee beans not only give it aroma, but are also a suburban antiseptic that prevents the development of infection and inflammation.

Coffee beans contain significant amounts of potassium.
Coffee beans contain significant amounts of potassium.

Composition of the product

Coffee is a completely natural product. It contains various elements (up to 2000), among them the following are present:

  • vitamins PP;
  • B vitamins;
  • essential oils (flavor-forming);
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • about 20 types of acids;
  • polysaccharides.

The main element, despite their wide range, is caffeine. This element is a natural alkaloid; it has a direct effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Its effect is manifested in stimulation and activation of the central nervous system, an increase in heart rate, and an increase in blood pressure. In addition, the element stimulates the production of dopamine, which is sometimes called the “happiness hormone.” This explains that excessive coffee intake can provoke a pathology identical to alcohol addiction.

However, some scientists claim that drinking coffee in certain quantities reduces the likelihood of dangerous pathological diseases. Consuming 2 cups of coffee per day significantly reduces the risk of occurrence and promotes a simpler progression of the following pathologies:

  • Alzheimer's;
  • Parkenson;
  • diabetes;
  • asthma;
  • various types of stroke.

The drink helps slow down the aging process, has a positive effect on the ability to concentrate and attentiveness, comprehensively promotes the activation of brain activity, good mood, reducing stress levels, and has a slight laxative and diuretic effect.

American scientists claim that patients with atrial fibrillation are 18% less likely to have complications of the disease than those who regularly drink coffee. However, it must be taken into account that the drink has contraindications, which include pathologies of the heart and vascular system. Related to this is the relevance of a frequently asked question: in what cases is it necessary to completely stop drinking the drink?

New research

Cholesterol in the body performs a number of important functional duties:

  • Construction of cell membranes and ensuring their elasticity;
  • Bile production;
  • Vitamin D synthesis;
  • Production of sex hormones;
  • Lipids increase immunity and delay the penetration of infectious agents and toxins into the membrane;
  • Formation of skeletal bones, joints and muscle fibers;
  • Protection of the centers of the nervous system and their fibers;
  • Improves immunity;
  • Forms cells of the spinal cord and brain;
  • Many metabolic processes in the body occur led by cholesterol molecules.

The body produces 80.0% of cholesterol molecules, 20.0% enters lipids in the process of eating food.

With a high cholesterol index in the blood, there is a risk of developing the following pathologies:

  • Angina pectoris and ischemia of the cardiac organ;
  • Violation of heart rhythm;
  • Coronary insufficiency;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Systemic atherosclerosis;
  • Brain stroke.

Scientists have discovered a component called cafestol in coffee, which disrupts the proper synthesis of cholesterol molecules by the body's cells.

The component cafestol is an irritant to the mucous membrane of the small intestine, which increases the level of cholesterol in the plasma blood.

Scientists have identified a relationship between drinking natural coffee and increasing the cholesterol index.

If you drink at least five cups of natural coffee a day, then more than 60.0 milligrams of cafestol enter the body, which after a month of such a passion for coffee strong drink, the cholesterol index can increase by 8.0%.

In coffee
A component called cafestol has been found in coffee, which interferes with the proper synthesis of cholesterol molecules.

Pros and cons of drinking coffee

In moderation, it is not harmful to the body. However, it is important to remember that if you are a coffee lover, then you need to exclude from your diet other products that also contain caffeine: cocoa, chocolate, energy drinks, cola and others.


  • The main advantage of drinking coffee is that it stimulates the central nervous system, thereby increasing alertness and alertness, and adds energy;
  • The macroelements contained in the composition (potassium, iron, phosphorus and calcium) are necessary for the body;
  • Vitamin P affects the circulatory system;
  • Low calorie drink;


  • Excessive consumption affects a person’s reproductive function, and therefore can prevent the conception of a baby;
  • Increases blood pressure and can cause cardiac arrhythmia;
  • blood cholesterol levels
  • May cause excessive irritability and even nervousness;
  • Due to the fact that coffee is a diuretic drink , it leaches calcium from the bones. They, in turn, reduce their density. Therefore, people who drink a lot of this drink simply need to replenish their reserves of this macronutrient by eating other foods that contain a lot of calcium.

Problems with the thyroid gland and disturbances in the levels of the hormones TSH, T3 and T4 can lead to serious consequences such as hypothyroid coma or thyrotoxic crisis, which are often fatal. Normalizes sugar production and returns to normal life. Read more "

Is it possible to drink coffee if you have high cholesterol?

Whether coffee increases the cholesterol index or not depends on the method of preparing the coffee drink. The volume of cafestol molecules in a drink is not related to the caffeine content in it. During the brewing process of natural coffee powder, cafestol is released.

If coffee is brewed for a long time, then the maximum amount of this harmful component gets into the drink. When preparing coffee according to the Scandinavian recipe (brewing in several boiling stages), a large amount of cafestol is present in the drink.

Making coffee in a coffee machine also contains quite a lot of the component cafestol, which increases the cholesterol index.

Preparing a coffee drink the Turkish way, when the water does not boil, but is heated on hot sand, reduces the concentration of the harmful component, which, when consumed a couple of cups over 30 days, will not provoke a significant increase in the cholesterol index.

To prevent coffee from increasing the cholesterol index, a method was developed to purify the drink from cafestol molecules:

  • You need to brew natural coffee;
  • Don't boil it too much, just bring it to a boil;
  • Filter the drink through a paper filter;
  • All cafestol molecules are retained by a paper filter.

Coffee makers are also now being produced that filter out this component, which can increase the cholesterol index.

This coffee is safe if you have a high cholesterol index.

A coffee drink brewed using different technologies can be protected after brewing using a paper filter.

Coffee and cholesterol
Making coffee in a coffee machine also contains quite a lot of the cafestol component

Who is not recommended?

Coffee has many positive properties for the body, but it has increased stimulating properties on the blood flow system and metabolism, so you should not drink it in the following cases:

  • With a high blood pressure index (hypertension);
  • For coronary artery disease (cardiac ischemia);
  • With pathology glaucoma;
  • Up to 14 years of age;
  • For pathologies of the renal organ;
  • With a high cholesterol index and atherosclerosis pathology;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How does instant coffee affect the cholesterol index?

The component in coffee that increases the cholesterol index, cafestol, is formed during the brewing of a natural product. The instant coffee composition is not prepared by boiling coffee powder, therefore, the instant coffee composition does not contain the cafestol component.

Many people favor instant coffee because it is convenient to prepare (it does not take much time and does not require the ability to brew a tasty drink), and also has a wonderful aroma.

The difference between instant and ground coffee lies in the production of coffee raw materials.

The initial stage of obtaining raw materials is the same, the difference is only at the last stage of production of the finished product:

  • The coffee beans are roasted;
  • The grains are ground;
  • For instant coffee, the powder is frozen or dried with very hot air.

Now it is prohibited to use dichloroethane and other chemical compounds with chlorine to obtain a natural product.

Lovers of freshly brewed coffee need to know that its consumption causes a significant increase in the cholesterol index, so in order not to risk their health, they need to reduce the consumption of brewed coffee to 1 - 2 cups per day.

Or switch to using instant coffee, which is in no way related to the cholesterol index, due to the absence of the harmful component cafestol in it.

With an increased cholesterol index, you can only drink instant coffee, but there should also be restrictions on instant coffee drinks, because often patients with hypercholesterolemia suffer from pathologies of the heart organ (tachycardia, arrhythmia) and the blood flow system (atherosclerosis, hypertension).

All foods consumed will not cause harm to health if consumed in moderation. The same rule applies to coffee.

instant coffee
If you have a high cholesterol index, you can only drink instant coffee

Cafein free

In the last century, American researchers invented a type of coffee that does not contain caffeine. The production of raw materials for such coffee is carried out by chemically extracting the caffeine component from coffee beans.

A caffeine-free drink can be consumed for hypertension, because it does not affect the tone of the arterial membranes, and also does not contribute to the production of the hormone adrenaline.

But at the same time, this coffee drink does not in any way affect a person’s vigor or improve his mood.

Decaffeinated coffee is simply a flavored coffee drink that does not have any beneficial effects on the human body.

In natural powder, which must be boiled, decaffeinated coffee can also influence changes in the lipid spectrum, but using filtration measures, this drink can be consumed without disrupting fat metabolic processes within the body.

With added milk

Adding milk to freshly brewed coffee will not reduce the concentration of cafestol in it. The taste of a coffee drink with milk becomes softer and more delicate, and milk in coffee reduces the negative effects on the body of drinking freshly brewed natural strong coffee.

Protein compounds contained in natural milk are a source of calcium for humans, so drinking a coffee drink with milk or cream will help avoid such a pathology of the bone system - osteoporosis.

coffee with milk
If you have a high cholesterol index, it is not recommended to drink coffee with added milk in its natural form.

If you add skim milk to natural coffee filtered from cafestol, then this drink will not provoke the development of the pathology of hypercholesterolemia.

Other types of drink

In addition to ground black coffee, other varieties and forms of this product are often used today. Let's look at how they affect lipid levels in the body.


For a long time, people were convinced that it was caffeine that caused the main harm. In this regard, at the beginning of the last century, scientists developed a unique technology that makes it possible to obtain a substance purified from this substance. At the same time, the grains do not lose their taste and aroma.

Peeled fruits have a number of advantages:

  • do not cause insomnia, so you can drink a drink from them before bed;
  • do not affect the performance of the heart;
  • do not lead to increased blood pressure. In some situations they even lower blood pressure.

Advantages and disadvantages of decaffeinated coffee

Coffee lovers consider the lack of an invigorating effect to be the main disadvantage. However, even the purified drink continues to have a negative impact on cholesterol levels, since cafestol is the problem. Only careful filtration helps neutralize this influence.


The most popular type of drink is instant coffee, which looks like granules. Its preparation does not require time or special effort, which is very important for a modern person. And the taste is absolutely no different from custard. This drink is suitable for people with atherosclerosis or high cholesterol levels in the blood.

In addition, it does not cause changes in lipid levels. Quality coffee is prepared by freezing or drying. At the same time, manufacturers do not use additives or preservatives. And as a result, coffee lovers receive a natural product. Despite this, this variety does not have the best effect on the digestive tract. Therefore, it is advisable for people with intestinal or stomach dysfunctions not to abuse it.

Features of instant coffee

In addition, a low-quality soluble product during the production process may lose some of its properties, which manufacturers compensate with synthetic additives. This drink is much cheaper, which attracts the attention of buyers. In order not to harm yourself when buying this type of coffee, you need to give preference to more expensive products from trusted manufacturers. In this case, buyers can be sure that they have a good product in their hands.


Recently, the popularity of green coffee, which has unique beneficial properties, has increased significantly. For its preparation, unroasted fruits of the Robusta or Arabica varieties are used. The berries are simply collected and dried. Afterwards the husks are removed from them. It does not have such a pronounced taste and aroma as roasted black coffee, but it brings benefits to the whole body. The drink has a pleasant tartness.

Green Coffee Facts

The main active ingredient in this coffee is chlorogenic acid. It has tonic, cleansing, antioxidant and minor laxative effects. It is worth noting that thanks to this acid, which is preserved due to the lack of heat treatment, the drink is absolutely harmless. Moreover, experts recommend it to patients suffering from hypercholesterolemia. The main thing is that it is grown in environmentally friendly areas.

What could be a substitute?

It has been established that there are products that can invigorate the body and not increase the cholesterol index.

Due to their invigorating properties, they can replace a coffee drink:

  • Fatigue causes dehydration of the body, so a glass of clean water will cheer you up and fill your body with energy . A glass of water on an empty stomach perfectly activates metabolism in the body without disrupting the process of lipid metabolism;
  • Freshly squeezed juice from citrus fruits . Citrus juice contains large quantities of antioxidants and vitamin C, which tone the body;
  • Dark chocolate with maximum cocoa content . Cocoa grains are rich in endorphins, as well as the hormone dopamine, which are hormones of happiness. Dark chocolate also contains small amounts of caffeine, which tones the body;
  • Nuts of all varieties will help restore energy and tone the body . All nuts contain Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which fight high cholesterol. Nuts also contain protein molecules. Nuts perfectly satisfy hunger and become a source of energy for the body, relieving a person’s feeling of fatigue;
  • Green and black tea is a drink that contains a minimum of cafestol and a high concentration of caffeine . Tea is very invigorating, although it affects all the body's receptors much more slowly.
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