Coffee face mask at home: how to use for acne, wrinkles and instead of solarium

Coffee not only brings pleasure while enjoying a cup of hot drink, but it can also significantly improve your appearance by having a wonderful effect on your skin. A face mask made from coffee grounds tightens pores and removes dead cells, gives freshness and firmness, reduces dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. With this simple remedy, you can even get rid of fine wrinkles, reduce redness, smooth out acne scars and forget about acne. And at the same time, if you make coffee, you get a beauty product completely free!

Coffee grounds face mask

Grounds for cosmetic purposes: pros and cons

Caffeine is the most famous component of the drink. It improves blood microcirculation and activates skin tone. Smoothing wrinkles and eliminating bags under the eyes is his merit. Coffee is also rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, contains vitamins PP and B2, and this is not the whole list. What else is different about the grounds?

  • Antioxidants. They have a stronger effect on the body than green tea extract or vitamin C. These substances can reverse the aging process.
  • Polyphenols. Provide a tightening effect and also slow down aging. Thanks to this component, the skin acquires firmness and elasticity.
  • Chlorogenic acid. In tandem with antioxidants, it protects skin cells from free radicals and ultraviolet radiation.
  • Carotenoids. Responsible for complexion and help end painful yellowness and various rashes, including acne and teenage acne. Thanks to this substance, cosmetic “caffeine” masks are famous as a source of golden skin tone.

A significant disadvantage of the product is the risk of allergies. Therefore, before making a coffee face mask at home, check the reaction. Do the test on the inside of your arm and wait three minutes. Then rinse off and see if skin changes appear. If not, and she is fine, proceed with the procedure. It is better to test not coffee separately, but the entire mixture at once. After all, for example, a coffee and honey face mask contains two potential allergens.

The girl has smeared herself with coffee grounds and lies with her eyes closed

How does coffee affect the skin?

The composition of coffee is very complex from a chemical point of view: more than 1000 compounds. These are alkaloids (mainly caffeine), antioxidants, proteins, phenolic compounds, mono- and disaccharides, organic acids and amino acids (malic, pyruvic, citric, acetic), minerals. Thanks to this composition, the effect of coffee on the face is:

  • Elimination of stagnation (bags, swelling, redness).
  • Increased tone.
  • Stimulation of blood and lymph flow, metabolism.
  • Lifting.
  • Smoothing out wrinkles.
  • Getting rid of acne and pimples (in very gentle products).
  • Lightening, color alignment.
  • Deep cleansing.
  • Nutrition.

Coffee is one of the main ingredients in anti-cellulite products. This indicates its strong and deep effect on the skin. But the cells spend a huge amount of energy, which then needs to be renewed. If you use coffee very often and for a long time at home, the cells are depleted, which will lead to very unfavorable consequences. But if you use it in moderation and nourish the skin after procedures, the effect will be impressive.

Coffee grounds face mask: recipe table for all skin types

To create a face mask at home from coffee and complementary ingredients, take the grounds of a classically brewed drink without cream, milk or sugar. There is no point in using instant coffee granules; they will not have the desired effect. Before mixing all the components of the cosmetic product to a homogeneous paste, make sure that the coffee grounds have cooled down.

Interestingly, coffee can help solve various skin problems and is suitable for all types of epidermis. The main thing is to know the recipe secrets. The table below contains proven and simple combinations of coffee-based mask components “for every occasion.”

Table - Coffee grounds masks for different skin types

Mask/skin typeRecipeTimeEffect
With honey for any skin— A teaspoon of coffee grounds; - a teaspoon of honey 20 minutes— Moisturizes; - nourishes; — evens out the color; - relieves inflammation
With oatmeal for any skin- Two large spoons of base; - two small spoons of oat bran or flakes; - 1/3 small spoon of sour cream Up to 15 minutes— Moisturizes; - nourishes; — evens out the color; - relieves inflammation
With olive oil for dry skin- A large spoon of grounds; - a large spoon of olive oil; - a pinch of cinnamon or salt on the tip of a knife 15-20 minutes— Moisturizes; — saturates with useful microelements; - pulls up
With “sourness” for oily skin— A large spoon of coffee base; - a large spoon of low-fat cottage cheese, which can be completely replaced with citrus juice, kefir or other fermented milk product, as well as egg white 25 minutes— Dries; - cleanses; - tightens pores

Coffee contains healing components that help get rid of wrinkles, pimples and unfortunate acne. If you are struggling with such problems, then do not forget to take into account your skin type when choosing the composition of the mask.

Best Recipes

For those who have never used coffee peeling, we can recommend the following recipes.

For dry skin

Would need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. ground coffee beans;
  • 2 tbsp. l. fat sour cream.
  1. Mix the components thoroughly and apply to prepared, moisturized skin.
  2. Leave for five minutes and massage.
  3. Rinse off with warm water.

For normal or combination

Would need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. finely ground coffee;
  • 2–3 tbsp. l. washing gel.
  1. Mix the components and apply to damp skin with light, massaging movements.
  2. Leave for five minutes and rinse with warm water.
  3. Then rinse with cool water.

Jessica Alba's recipe

Would need:

  • 0.5 cups of yogurt without additives;
  • 1 tbsp. l. finely ground coffee;
  • 1 tbsp. l. warmed coconut oil;
  • juice of 1 lemon.
  1. Mix all components thoroughly and apply to prepared, moistened skin of the face, neck and décolleté with massaging, light movements.
  2. After 10 minutes, remove with warm water.

Before mixing the ingredients, check the reaction to lemon juice. In case of allergic rashes, use a different recipe.

With vegetable oils

You will first have to mix 1 tsp. olive, almond and jojoba oil.

Would need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. oil mixtures;
  • 1 tbsp. l. finely ground coffee.
  1. Gently mix the ingredients, add a few drops of aroma oil and apply to cleansed skin.
  2. Leave for 10 minutes and massage a little.
  3. Remove with warm water.
  4. Rinse cool.

With sea salt

Would need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. finely ground coffee;
  • 1 tsp. finely ground sea salt.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly until the salt dissolves and apply to damp skin. After five minutes, rinse with warm water.

For advanced acne-prone facial skin

Would need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. finely ground coffee.
  1. Mix the ingredients and apply with gentle movements to the face.
  2. Leave for five minutes and rinse with warm water.

With regular use of this type of peeling, everything, even advanced phenomena, goes away.


This recipe also helps treat acne-prone skin.

Would need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. coffee;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cinnamon;
  • 1 tbsp. l. brown sugar.
  1. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  2. Very thick mixture can be slightly diluted with mineral water.
  3. Apply to damp skin and rinse after five minutes.

For body

The simplest method is to apply the grounds collected after drinking coffee. It is applied with massage movements to damp skin after a bath or sauna. Then wash off with warm water. After the procedure, it is recommended to rub the body with a towel until it becomes pleasantly red.

From coffee grounds with honey

  1. Mix the components in equal proportions and apply to areas of rough skin.
  2. Massage a little and leave for five minutes.
  3. Rinse off with warm water.

This peeling is very effective on the soles of the feet.

For the head

Would need:

  • 1 tsp. olive oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. coffee grounds.
  1. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to the scalp.
  2. Rub into hair roots with massaging movements.
  3. Let it soak in for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.

You will learn another recipe for peeling with coffee for hair growth from the video:

Anti-aging coffee help: 5 options

Coffee can “erase” facial wrinkles and restore girlish freshness to your face. In this case, the surface of the dermis is not simply nourished, but its regeneration mechanisms are activated. Below are examples of five anti-aging homemade coffee remedies.

Mixture of cream and mashed banana in a white bowl

Creamy banana smoothie

  1. Mix mashed banana with two teaspoons of cream.
  2. Combine with the main ingredient - you need a small spoon of base.
  3. Apply and leave to dry.
  4. After 15 minutes, use warm water and a mirror to admire your lightning-fast achievements.

"Dough" for lifting

  1. Combine in a bowl one tablespoon of the essential grounds from your morning coffee cup with ordinary rye flour.
  2. Complete with egg yolk.
  3. The procedure lasts ten minutes.

With quail eggs

  1. You will need three tablespoons of good ground coffee. Three quail eggs, three tablespoons of sugar-free cocoa powder, two tablespoons of liquid honey.
  2. Beat the eggs with a mixer and add them to the dry ingredients.
  3. Then add honey and bring until smooth.
  4. This mask must be applied in layers and allowed to dry.
  5. Gently moisten the resulting crust with a cotton pad and then remove it with warm water.

With chicken eggs

  1. Beat a couple of chicken egg whites with a blender into a fluffy foam and add to a large spoon of the main component.
  2. Pour in a large spoonful of liquid honey.
  3. The time it takes for the mixture to act on your dermis is 15 minutes.

Plus sour cream nutrition

  1. Add a large spoonful of grounds mixed with a whole egg and a teaspoon of honey.
  2. For a nutritional effect, dilute the mixture with a teaspoon of sour cream.
  3. The mask can be removed 15 minutes from the start of the procedure.

Do not rush to restore smoothness to your face and get rid of wrinkles with the help of beauty salons and painful procedures. Try to start the natural processes of the body using natural means. And coffee is first on the list of age-defying remedies.

Girl washes off coffee grounds

Indications and contraindications

This procedure has a beneficial effect on all parts of the body.

  • The skin is tightened and takes on a radiant appearance. The grayishness or cyanosis disappears.
  • The epidermis is rejuvenated.
  • When treating the surface of the thighs, cellulite is reduced.
  • The contour of the figure and the oval of the face are tightened.

Along with the positive effects, coffee peeling has limitations.

Coffee peeling is recommended before visiting a solarium so that the tan applies more evenly to the skin.

  • Coffee can cause allergic rashes. Before applying the peel, it is recommended to test the skin reaction on a small area.
  • The procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • If any skin diseases are present (including those of fungal origin), peeling should also be avoided.
  • Wounds, cracks, burns, and other minor injuries also interfere with peeling care.
  • It is prohibited to carry out such procedures in the presence of cancer.
  • Very delicate, sensitive skin can easily be injured when applying cleansing mixtures. Therefore, it is necessary to approach it differently. It is better to avoid peeling than to cause damage to the skin.

We recommend: What peeling can be used for sensitive skin? The best recipes, advice from cosmetologists

Coffee for teenagers: drinking is not allowed, smearing is necessary

In the fight against acne, even the simplest coffee masks are considered a panacea only if there are no wounds or inflammations on the face. Due to the absence of chemical components, these recipes are suitable for teenagers who want to get rid of acne, which, due to age-related hormonal changes, haunts them.

All ingredients from the given recipes are available at your nearest home store.

With added fruit

  1. After adding the grated apple to the ground coffee (the amount is determined by eye), dilute it with a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice.
  2. Rub your face in a circular motion after applying the mask, avoiding your eyes and the area around them.
  3. Wash off the residue after half an hour.

On whites with yogurt

  1. Separate the egg white.
  2. Add a large spoonful of the main ingredient.
  3. Add a small spoonful of unsweetened yoghurt.
  4. It is advisable to keep this mask on your face for 20 minutes.

These simple coffee cosmetic recipes help get rid of blackheads that cause inflammation and prevent the skin from breathing properly.

Video on the topic Mask for prolonging tanning on the face made from coffee, butter and egg yolk

Rules for preparation and application

  1. To prepare masks, it is very important to use natural ground coffee, and the coffee grounds should be without sugar.
  2. Before applying the solution, it is advisable to clean and prepare your facial skin with a light scrub.
  3. Strictly follow the instructions and dosage given in the recipes.
  4. To get the most positive result, massage your face 2-3 minutes after applying the mask.
  5. Don't forget to take breaks to allow the skin on your face to rest.

For a "beach" effect

Thanks to carotenoids, coffee beans give the skin a dark complexion. According to reviews from women who use such masks, a light tan appears after just two procedures. An easy way to achieve a beachy effect is to mix your leftover morning drink with whatever you have in the kitchen.

For oily skin, a mixture of ground coffee and warm water is suitable. And if you feel tightness, mixtures with oil, such as olive oil, will help better. Spread the brown mixture over your face, neck and open chest in an even layer.

The minimum time required for one procedure to transform your complexion with coffee is ten minutes. Such manipulations are also appropriate for maintaining a tan in the summer, if carried out twice a week.

Video on the topic: Facial scrub made from coffee and sour cream

Useful tips

It is important to take into account some points:

  1. “Coffee cosmetics” are best used by those with oily and combination skin. If it is dry or sensitive, this component should be used at home very carefully: less often, use a smaller amount and apply very gently.
  2. Make sure that no microtraumas are formed, so as not to feel itching or burning.
  3. Masks and scrubs should be applied along massage lines with very gentle movements.
  4. Follow the recipe strictly.
  5. For cosmetic purposes, it is better to buy coffee beans and grind them as finely as possible yourself.
  6. Any coffee-based products should not be applied to the area around the eyes and lips.
  7. Do not use masks if there is damage or itching, redness, or peeling on the surface.
  8. After using coffee masks, it is better not to apply foundation for several hours.
  9. Refrain from sunbathing for about an hour after removing the composition.
  10. After the procedure, be sure to apply a nourishing cream and let it absorb thoroughly.
  11. On the day of the mask, limit your coffee consumption to 1 cup.

There is always coffee in the kitchen. This means you can take care of your face regularly.

Coffee scrubs: rules of use

Scrubs have an exfoliating effect, removing dead cells from the surface of the dermis. Thanks to the massage with hard grains, blood flow accelerates, the skin is saturated with oxygen and acquires a healthy tone.

Depending on your skin type, you can prepare a scrub based on coffee grounds with different ingredients. But you can universally add fruits, oatmeal, and dairy products to the base. And for problem skin, you can choose the simplest recipe: mix ground coffee with the nourishing cream that suits you.

Unlike face masks with coffee grounds, the procedure time with a scrub is much shorter. It is enough to massage problem areas for five minutes. But due to the fact that the scrub contains solid particles that cleanse the skin, you will have to follow certain safety precautions.

  • Postpone application. This is what you need to do if you have damage, ripening acne, or wounds on your face.
  • Apply from time to time. You can’t use this cleansing often, it’s better not more than twice a week.
  • Soften the effect. After the procedure, be sure to apply an emollient cream.

If the scrub contains non-perishable products (for example, vegetable oil), then you can immediately prepare a large volume and then leave it in a closed glass jar. The storage area should be dry and dark at normal room temperature.

Cosmetic companies are actively using the capabilities of coffee beans and producing entire “coffee” lines. But why overpay for a brand when the main component of popular industrial products is available to you every day? A face mask with coffee is always at hand. Just by entering the kitchen, you can create your own unique cosmetic product.

Benefits and harms

Peeling is the easiest skin cleansing procedure:

  • It helps remove dead epidermal cells in a gentle manner.
  • By gently acting on the surface layer, coffee grounds can also refresh and rejuvenate the face due to the flavonoids contained in the product.
  • They have the property of slowing down the destructive effects of radicals contained in the environment, protecting cells from their effects and thus rejuvenating.
  • Skin tone increases and its natural aging slows down.

Do you like coffee? Drink in small cups

The attitude towards coffee in the modern world is very ambiguous. Today there is no consensus about its benefits and harms, including for the skin. But there are proven facts that are worth relying on.

Today, about 70% of the world's population drinks coffee daily.

Natural high-quality coffee beans contain many useful substances. But in contrast to this, it also reduces the ability of tissues to absorb these elements. Moreover, coffee removes from the body such important minerals as calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium, as well as B vitamins. Naturally, the lack of these substances will directly affect the condition of the skin. Namely, it will become dull and dry, and premature wrinkles may appear. Fortunately, avoiding this unpleasant side effect is very simple - you just need to practice moderation. Drinking large amounts of coffee, especially instant coffee, can cause hormonal imbalances and disruptions in metabolic processes. This often results in increased sebum production. The pores become clogged, the inflammatory process begins, and all this manifests itself in the form of acne. Thus, coffee and acne have a direct relationship.

Scientists have proven that drinking 4 cups of strong natural coffee daily can give your skin an attractive bronze tint. But such an amount will have a detrimental effect on health, so it is better to spend more time in the sun.

girl with coffee
So, coffee does not have the best effect on the skin. But what to do if giving up your favorite drink is beyond your strength? Here are some important points you should observe if you love coffee:

  • limit the amount to 1 – 2 small cups per day;
  • drink only high quality natural ground coffee;
  • try to brew coffee that is not too strong;
  • Avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach.

Drink your favorite drink from small cups, savoring and enjoying the aroma, without rushing. This will help you enjoy it without overdoing it. And the harmful effects of coffee on skin health will be eliminated.

Useful tips for using masks

Coffee grounds for a mask can be used at any age and with any type of aging. To enhance the anti-aging effect, it is recommended to follow a number of rules:

  • Coffee masks should be applied only to cleansed, pre-steamed facial skin;
  • The mixture must be applied immediately after preparation in a warm state;
  • Due to the pronounced tonic effect of coffee beans, morning time is preferable for such procedures;
  • The composition should be washed off after complete drying, as evidenced by slight tightness of the skin. As for masks with oils, their action time is no more than 15-20 minutes;
  • It is strongly recommended to mix coffee only with ingredients of natural origin - butter, milk, salt, clay, honey;
  • Fresh ground grain powder is more suitable for scrubbing, and dried grounds are more suitable for masks. During the procedure, you need to massage the skin along massage lines with light stroking movements;
  • A slight tingling sensation during the procedure indicates the effective effect of the composition on the skin. In case of severe discomfort, burning and itching, immediately wash off the product using a cleansing tonic.

Benefits of green coffee oil

Any cream or lotion can be enriched with a useful component. It protects the skin from ultraviolet rays, moisturizes and nourishes it. The extract has a lymphatic drainage effect and helps remove excess fluid from the body. This helps get rid of swelling.

Foams and gels based on green plant extract have an astringent effect, so they quickly relieve inflammation. Reduces the formation of sebum, which is the result of excessive work of the sebaceous glands.

  • Add 1 - 2 drops to your favorite cosmetic product, mix and rub in with patting movements.
  • Make a compress from the proposed product mixed with any other plant extract (apricot, peach, olive). There is no need to rinse off, it absorbs perfectly.

Advice! For combination types, a composition with kaolin and baking soda will help them regain strength after a working day. Distribute it evenly in the evening.


Coffee grounds face mask

Victoria: I often use natural coffee to nourish my hair, but for some reason I didn’t think of using it on my face. Having used one of the recipes for a coffee mask, I was pleasantly surprised by the good effect. Now I will alternately use coffee not only for hair care, but also for my face. Fast, effective and inexpensive!

Vasilisa: I really love folk beauty recipes and often experiment with new compositions. Of course, it’s impossible to completely replace store-bought cosmetics (sometimes you’re just too lazy to prepare something; it’s easier to take a tube of cream or lotion), but I’ve already replaced many “ready-made” products with homemade ones. Having heard advice to use coffee grounds, I searched for a long time for a suitable companion for my dry skin, until I tried mixing it simply with honey. The effect is amazing, now I actively recommend this product to all my friends. Those who are not lazy also use it, although in my opinion the recipe is simpler.

Olga: Coffee has also proven itself in cosmetology; I wipe my face with the remnants of the drink every morning, and in the summer I use frozen ice cubes. The result is impressive: the skin is clean and radiant, there are no fine wrinkles or facial folds. The best remedy, especially in terms of savings.

Coffee has also proven itself excellent in cosmetology; I wipe my face with the remnants of the drink every morning, and in the summer I use frozen ice cubes. The result is impressive: the skin is clean and radiant, there are no fine wrinkles or facial folds. The best remedy, especially in terms of savings. You can read about the beneficial properties of bey oil and its use for hair here.

Coffee wraps against cellulite

The classic coffee wrap makes the skin more elastic and helps get rid of the “orange peel”. To prepare the product: 100 g of ground coffee, 20 ml of olive oil and boiling water. All components are mixed and diluted with water until creamy. Apply to problem areas and wrap in several layers of film. To increase the effectiveness of the procedures, it is recommended to wear warm clothes, lie down and cover yourself with a blanket. The product is washed off after 40-60 minutes.

To enhance the effect of the procedure, add salt (a tablespoon), half a chopped grapefruit, 2 tbsp. l. honey with a pinch of cinnamon or ground chili pepper.

Despite the high effectiveness of the procedure, it has contraindications. Wraps should not be done at elevated body temperature, varicose veins or in the presence of tumors. The procedure is also not recommended for patients with skin diseases, high blood pressure and kidney disease. Wraps cannot be performed during pregnancy.

Wraps are usually carried out in the first half of the day so that caffeine has time to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis before bedtime. However, if a burning sensation or other unpleasant sensations arise during the process, the mixture should be washed off immediately.

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