Amaretto liqueur or the correct composition of the taste of love

Amaretto is a sweet Italian liqueur with a pronounced taste of almonds and apricot kernels, produced since 1525. The strength of the drink is about 26-28% vol. First produced in the Saronno region of Lombardy, the original amaretto recipe is sold in distinctive square bottles marked DISARONNO. It is believed that the Italian glassblowers of the island of Murano specially made a square container for the liqueur so that the drink could be easily found even in complete darkness.

The drink got its name from the word “amaro” - it. “bitter”, although modern liqueur cannot be called bitter. A popular misconception is the myth that the name of the drink is associated with the word “Amore”, “love”, however, this is nothing more than just a fiction.

amaretto liqueur

Disaronno is the first family to begin the industrial production of this liqueur and to patent the production method. In fact, the family’s name has already become almost a contextual synonym for the word “amaretto”.

Full line of drinks:

  • Disaronno Amaretto Original
  • Amaretto Di Saronno
  • Amaretto San Giorgio
  • Amaretto San Lorenzo
  • Amaretto San Marco
  • Amaretto Paganini
  • Amaretto Grande Genova
  • Amaretto Di Piza
  • Amaretto Del Castele
  • Amaretto Di Verona
  • Amaretto Florence

Production and composition

The exact recipe for Amaretto liqueur was kept secret in the mid-16th century. Today, Amaretto is produced by several brands, and each has a different composition. The following components of Amaretto’s taste remain unchanged:

  • bitter and sweet almonds;
  • grape juice;
  • alcohol;
  • vanilla;
  • cinnamon;
  • cherry.

In addition, the liqueur also includes various herbs and spices.

The production technology of Amaretto liqueur is also a secret behind seven locks. It is reliably known that almonds are pre-soaked in grape juice to neutralize hydrocyanic acid. A spicy tincture is made, after which it is distilled with the addition of sweet grape-almond syrup.

Amaretto coffee taste

Amaretto is a liqueur made from a neutral spirit, flavored with bitter almonds or apricot kernels, which have a similar taste. Traditionally it is bitter almond, but different brands may contain different herbs and spices that are not listed in the ingredients. The name comes from the Italian word for bitter, i.e. amaro. The suffix "-etto" is a diminutive form, so the word translates as "a little bitter."

Amaretto can be made using real bitter almonds or bitter apricot kernels, but the name "bitter almond" does not guarantee the use of almonds.

The liqueur itself is sweet, with notes of slight bitterness, flavors of apricot and cherry kernels, almonds, and it harmonizes perfectly with coffee bitterness, revealing the sweet and nutty shades of roasted beans, making the texture smoother and velvety. Unlike the whiskey in Irish Coffee, the almond liqueur is not as strong and sharp, and therefore the alcohol is not felt as strongly, but rather like a slight warming warmth. It's not necessary to add whipped cream, as many recipes recommend, but it makes the flavor profile even smoother and creamier, so add it if possible.

If you want the balance to lean more toward alcohol, feel free to add stronger ingredients. Brandy will provide a sweet fruity note along with strong caramel tones, while dark rum will bring a thick molasses flavor.

Amaretto coffee taste

Varieties of Amaretto

There are several varieties of Amaretto liqueur on the modern market, differing from each other in recipe and, accordingly, taste, as well as strength.

  1. DiSaronno Amaretto Original. The most popular representative of the Amaretto line. It is believed that this particular type of liqueur is prepared according to the very first traditional recipe. In the flavor bouquet, notes of marzipan, vanilla, aromatic herbs, and almonds are clearly felt.
  2. Amaretto 1851. Elite liqueur, the strength of which is 24%. They are often referred to as “liquid cookies.” The liqueur goes well with ice cream, pastries and other desserts.
  3. Amaretto Di Amore. The Italians call this liqueur Amaretto a drink of passion. Its bouquet reveals notes of anise, lemon zest and elderberry. The product vaguely resembles sambuca.
  4. Amaretto Florence. Amaretto Florence liqueur has a pleasant viscous consistency and rich fruity taste. The recipe was invented in the center of Florence, which is reflected in the name of the product.
  5. Amaretto Liqueur Giffard. One of the most interesting varieties of liqueur. The taste has distinct notes of caramel, marzipan and almonds.
  6. Amaretto de Sabroso is an Amaretto liqueur of a classic recipe with a rich vanilla-almond aroma and taste.
  7. Amaretto di Saschira is a type of Amaretto liqueur that goes best with coffee, ice cream and sparkling wine.
  8. Amaretto Paganini – Amaretto with a very long and rich aftertaste. The liqueur has a deep dark chocolate color and rich almond aroma.

Non-alcoholic coffee Amaretto

You can get the almond flavor without using alcohol, and this option is good because it can be consumed even in the morning, if you drive, or during your lunch break at work. Manufacturers offer different options for such products.

Coffee with the taste and aroma of amaretto beans or ground

Found both in regular supermarkets and at points of sale of coffee and tea products. You can ask to grind the beans on site, or use a home coffee grinder. Ground is packaged in packs. You just have to understand that there is no liqueur or syrup component, it is only flavoring and flavoring additives that give a light almond tint.

Do not store the opened pack for a long time, or at least pour it into a container with a tight lid. The aroma fades quickly.

Instant coffee with amaretto flavor

And here the choice is also large: customers can choose from granulated in jars from a variety of brands and 3-in-1 bags from MacCoffee and Jacobs. And even weight loss drinks, for example, Leovit “Amaretto Coffee”, reviews of which describe the cocktail as almond-nut, with a bright liqueur aroma. All the same flavors and additives, of course, but more original and pleasant than just black.

Amaretto syrup

Since the taste is really popular and liked by many, manufacturers offer a choice of several types of Amaretto syrups for coffee, which can be purchased in hypermarkets, specialty stores or online. There is, of course, no alcohol, but the bitterness is removed and sugar is added. No additional sweeteners are required. You can whisk these syrups directly with milk or simply pour them into a cup with a coffee-milk or black drink.

A syrup with such a bright flavor and aroma profile is an excellent choice if at work you have to drink a not-so-best drink from a vending machine or an instant drink.

Non-alcoholic coffee Amaretto

History of Amaretto

There is a legend according to which the first analogue of modern Amaretto saw the light back in 1525 thanks to Brenandino Luini, a student of Leonardo da Vinci, who at that time was painting frescoes in Sorrono. When the time came to paint Madonna, he invited the young widow to pose. A spark ran between the artist and the model, which led to the outbreak of a short-lived but very bright romance: after finishing the work, the master was forced to leave and leave his beloved. The widow gave him a bottle of homemade liqueur as a souvenir.

If we discard the beautiful stories and move on to the dry facts, we can trace the connection between Amaretto and the name of Giovanni Reina. It was he who first made liqueur, the recipe for which was then passed down from generation to generation.

Only in the 20th century, Rein’s heirs opened a store in the city of Sarrona, the main product of which was Amaretto. Convinced of the people’s love for the product, the Reins also established a factory specializing in the production of liqueur. The original product is produced in unique square bottles made of Murano glass.

Another Amaretto manufacturing company, Lazzaroni, was inspired by amaretti cookies in the production of its product. Manufacturers put a packet of cookies in the drink packaging so that consumers can compare the taste.

Getting to know the drink

One of the main components of the coffee drink is the Italian liqueur Amaretto. Its history dates back to the 16th century and is associated with the name of the Italian artist, student of Leonardo da Vinci, Bernardino Luini.

One day, a young artist received an order to paint a church. The model was a beautiful widow who won the artist’s heart. Despite the fact that the feelings were mutual, the foundations of society at that time did not allow them to stay together. At the last session, the woman brought a bittersweet drink as a gift to her lover, symbolizing their relationship, called amaretto by the artist. Much later, liqueur began to be added to coffee to give it a more piquant taste.


The classic cocktail recipe contains two components: espresso coffee and Amaretto liqueur.

Amaretto means “slightly bitter” in Italian. The liqueur is based on grape alcohol, and its bitter taste is given by almonds or apricot kernels added during preparation. Despite this, there is no less sweetness in the tincture, bitterness is felt only in the aftertaste, and spices and herbs add a special aroma.


The tincture added to the coffee base makes it richer.

Attention! The strength of the cocktail varies depending on the amount of alcohol added.

When adding cream, sugar and other additives, the alcohol content is reduced. The cocktail becomes more delicate and soft in taste.

If there is no liqueur in your coffee, you can add capsules with Amaretto syrup. The resulting drink will taste similar to a popular cocktail.

Amaretto coffee calories

The energy value of a cocktail depends on the calorie content of its ingredients. The drink is based on coffee beans, the calorie content of which is about 2 kcal per 1 g or 8-10 kcal per 1 teaspoon. The calorie content of Amaretto liqueur is about 40-45 kcal per 1 tablespoon. The nutritional value of a cup of pure Amaretto coffee will be about 50-55 kcal.

By adding milk, cream, sugar, the energy value of the cocktail increases significantly. The calorie content of the supplements is:

  • sugar – 20-30 kcal per 1 teaspoon;
  • classic cream (33%) - 287 kcal per 100 g or about 145 kcal per 50 g;
  • milk (2.5%) – 52 kcal per 100 g or 26 kcal per 50 g.

amaretto coffee

Thus, when consuming a cup of a classic coffee drink with whipped cream, the body will replenish 200 kcal. The energy value of cappuccino with amaretto, to which milk is added, will be significantly lower - 75-80 kcal.

General cooking tips

The combination of the sweetish taste of almonds in the liqueur and bitter coffee beans gives the cocktail an unusual taste and aroma. To get the perfect alcoholic drink, you should follow several rules:

  1. The basis of the cocktail is not instant, but freshly brewed ground coffee.
  2. Grind coffee beans immediately before preparation. The aroma of the drink will be more intense.
  3. Simmer the coffee base over low heat, allowing the liquid to heat up gradually.
  4. Mix the main components correctly, adding liqueur to the coffee base, and not vice versa.
  5. When adding cream, whip it yourself. Store-bought whipped cream has a characteristic chemical taste that will ruin the taste of the cocktail.

For your information! The cocktail is drunk from coffee cups with a capacity of 120-150 ml. In the cold version, the drink with the aroma of Amaretto is poured into tall glasses.


By adhering to these rules and recipes, you can prepare a delicious, aromatic alcoholic cocktail.

How and with what to drink Amaretto liqueur

Connoisseurs recommend drinking Amaretto liqueur in its pure form. The drink is served in small glasses of 30-60 ml. Modern glasses for Amaretto have a large capacity - the volume of the containers reaches 100 ml. Amaretto is drunk both in one gulp and in small sips - the second method allows you to experience all the components of Amaretto.

To dilute the drink and reduce the strength of Amaretto, it is recommended to add pieces of crushed ice. Amaretto liqueur is usually served after main courses; the drink also goes well with fruits, cheeses and light desserts.

Amaretto is often served in company with:

  • fruit juices in a 1:1 ratio;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • hot chocolate and cocoa;
  • cream and fruit ice cream;
  • herbal tea;
  • coffee;
  • other alcoholic drinks.

Video on how to drink Amaretto correctly:

Coffee Amaretto: reviews

Most online users like amaretto coffee in a variety of forms: with real alcohol, with syrups of different brands, and even instant granules or simply flavored. They note an interesting almond bitterness, a slightly marzipan flavor, which is smoothed out with the addition of milk and cream ingredients. So if you think the cocktail is too harsh, try adding cream or ice cream to it.

We definitely recommend trying to make amaretto coffee at home, or at least discovering it for yourself at your favorite coffee shop. Surely you will appreciate its special shade and breathtaking aroma!

Making Amaretto at home

Let's look at several recipes for making Amaretto at home.

A simple recipe for Amaretto at home

To prepare liqueur in your home kitchen you need the following ingredients:

  • vodka – 0.5 l (the higher quality the vodka, the better the result will be);
  • almonds – 50 grams;
  • apricot kernels – 50 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 150 grams;
  • ground cinnamon – 5 grams;
  • allspice – 4 peas;
  • vanilla – 10 grams;
  • ground black coffee – 15 grams;
  • cloves - 2 buds;
  • water – 200 grams.

First of all, you need to soak the nuts and apricot kernels, let them soak in warm water for an hour or two, and then dry them in a frying pan, preventing them from burning. When the nuts and kernels are almost dry, add clove buds and allspice peas to them. Transfer the resulting mixture to a container for infusing the product, add cinnamon there. Pour sugar into a saucepan, add water, bring the mixture to a boil and caramelize until golden brown. Add the syrup to the container with herbs and kernels, pour vodka.

Let the liqueur brew for a month. After the liquid has absorbed the taste of all the components included in the composition, pour it into a glass container and enjoy the taste.

Use in the kitchen

The use of Amaretto liqueur in the kitchen is very common. Cocktails are often prepared with the addition of this alcoholic drink, all because it saturates them with the tart taste and wonderful smell of bitter almonds. Most often, bartenders use this liqueur to prepare “Hot Gold” and “Romeo and Juliet” cocktails.

In addition, liqueur can also be added to desserts, baked goods, ice cream and fruit salads. The liqueur allows you to perfectly soak the cakes and serves as an excellent component for the cream. You can easily make any dessert at home with the addition of this liqueur, for example, Semifreddo Amaretto. You can also add it to macaroons, cheesecake or biscotti. The highlight of an evening with your loved one can be a strawberry dessert with Amaretto.

amaretto and almonds

A complex Amaretto recipe at home


  • vodka – 0.75 liters;
  • cognac – 200 milliliters;
  • apricot kernels – 70 grams;
  • raw almonds – 70 grams;
  • anise – 70 grams;
  • fennel – 45 grams;
  • cherries, pitted – 6-8 pieces;
  • peach or apricot slices - one medium-sized fruit;
  • dried apricots – 70 grams;
  • mint – 10 grams;
  • allspice – 2 peas;
  • cloves - 2 pieces;
  • water – 130 grams;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • vanilla extract or vanillin - a pinch;
  • sugar – 350 grams;
  • water (for syrup) – 250 grams.

At the first stage of preparing homemade Amaretto, you need to soak the dried apricots in slightly warm water so that the dried fruit swells and becomes softer. This should take about 3-4 hours. The peach (or apricot) needs to be cut into small pieces and placed in a container for infusion along with dried apricots and cherries. Pour the fruit with half the vodka needed to make the liqueur and cognac.

Nuts, apricot kernels, anise, fennel and other spices that make up the liqueur must be thoroughly crushed in a mortar or coffee grinder, then place them in a container with fruit and add ground mint. It is recommended to leave the mixture to infuse for a month and a half. The liquid should be shaken periodically, and the fruit should be crushed with a wooden spoon, starting from the second week of infusion. In the last week, it is not recommended to touch the liquor so that the sediment has time to flake off.

At the second stage of preparing Amaretto, you need to make sugar syrup. To do this, pour granulated sugar into a saucepan and fill it with water, keep it on low heat until the grains are completely dissolved, then let the caramel cool. Mix all the components of the future liqueur in the following proportion: three parts tincture, three parts vodka, 3 parts caramel; 1/3 part vanilla extract. The resulting mixture should be left for a few more days to infuse. After 3-4 days, the amaretto must be cleared of sediment using a multi-layer paper filter or gauze.

Bottom line

Preparing natural homemade drinks often requires a long wait. Only for connoisseurs of natural things is it completely justified - the resulting product is a unique product, sometimes superior in taste to store-bought alcohol. The main thing is the ingredients: high-quality alcohol and fresh products.

Well, or, as a last resort, ready-made essences for preparation, but only from natural ingredients!
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Cocktails based on Amaretto

Let's look at the recipes for several cocktails that include Amaretto liqueur.

fizzy fruit

For this light and fresh light cocktail with subtle orange and almond notes, you need the following ingredients:

  • Amaretto liqueur – 30 milliliters;
  • freshly squeezed orange juice – 20 milliliters;
  • dry sparkling wine – 100 milliliters.

All components must be poured into a shaker, mixed thoroughly with the addition of pieces of crushed ice. Serve in a champagne glass, garnished with orange zest.

Alabama prison

Another fresh and slightly spicy summer cocktail.

You will need these ingredients:

  • Southern Comfort liqueur – 30 milliliters;
  • Amaretto liqueur – 30 milliliters;
  • sloe gin – 15 milliliters;
  • fresh orange juice – 90 milliliters.

All components are poured into a shaker, mixed thoroughly with the addition of pieces of crushed ice. The finished cocktail is poured into a highball glass or Collins glass, with ice cubes placed at the bottom. When serving, the drink is garnished with fresh orange slices.

Hot Island

An invigorating and delicate mixture of Amaretto liqueur with coffee and cream.

You will need:

  • cognac – 20 milliliters;
  • cream – 30 milliliters;
  • Amaretto liqueur – 50 milliliters;
  • coffee – 200 milliliters.

First of all, strong black coffee is brewed, then it is poured into a beer glass, cream, cognac and liqueur are added there. Before serving, the cocktail is cooled with crushed ice.

Don Giovanni

A spicy cocktail with a rich almond-chocolate flavor. It was first prepared in sunny Italy by the hands of a certain Giovanni, in whose honor the cocktail got its name.


  • Mozart chocolate liqueur – 30 milliliters;
  • Amaretto liqueur – 10 milliliters;
  • whipped cream - to taste.

Mix Amaretto with chocolate liqueur in a martin and place a layer of whipped cream on top. Before serving, decorate the cocktail with grated chocolate.

Vanilla silk

A cocktail with an original creamy vanilla flavor. Bartenders recommend using vanilla-flavored vodka, but if you can’t find one, regular one will do.

The following ingredients are needed:

  • Baileys liqueur – 50 milliliters;
  • vodka – 25 milliliters;
  • Amaretto liqueur – 13 milliliters;
  • vanilla - a pinch;
  • ice.

Pour all the ingredients into a shaker and add a few pieces of crushed ice. Serve the finished cocktail in a tumbler with ice cubes. Before serving, the drink must be garnished with orange zest.

gone With the Wind

Summer light fruity and creamy cocktail.

You will need:

  • Amaretto liqueur – 35 milliliters;
  • cherry liqueur – 15 milliliters;
  • strawberry liqueur – 15 milliliters;
  • milk – 150 milliliters (cow’s milk can be replaced with soy or coconut milk);
  • vanilla sugar - a pinch.

All components are mixed in a shaker, the cocktail is served in a Collins glass, at the bottom of which ice cubes and pieces of berries are first placed.


A cocktail with delicate almond-coconut notes.

You will need:

  • vodka – 10 milliliters;
  • Amaretto – 20 milliliters;
  • coconut liqueur - 20 milliliters;
  • creamy ice cream - 10 milliliters.

Mix all the alcoholic ingredients in a shaker, then pour the liquid into a glass for serving. Separately combine ice cream and coconut liqueur and place them in a glass as the top layer. Before serving, the cocktail is decorated with berries - cherries, strawberries or raspberries. You can also decorate the drink with grated chocolate or coconut.


A refreshing cocktail with pronounced citrus notes.

The following components are needed:

  • white rum – 15 milliliters;
  • Amaretto liqueur – 30 milliliters;
  • Southern Comfort liqueur – 15 milliliters;
  • orange juice – 60 milliliters;
  • fresh lime juice – 15 milliliters;
  • fresh lemon – 15 milliliters;
  • Grenadine – a few drops.

Throw several pieces of crushed ice into a shaker, pour all the ingredients into it and mix thoroughly. The cocktail is served in a Collins or chayoball, decorated with an orange slice.

Cocktails with amaretto

Amaretto tonic

  • Amaretto – 50 ml
  • Tonic – 120 milliliters
  • Lemon - 1 slice

Fill a tall glass with ice, pour in amaretto, fill the glass with tonic, stir, and garnish with a lemon slice.

Amaretto Ricky

  • Amaretto - 50 ml;
  • Ginger ale - 120 ml;
  • Angostura (bitter) - 3 dashes;
  • Orange - 1 slice;
  • Cherry - 1 pc.

Fill a tall glass with ice cubes, pour amaretto, fill the glass with ginger lemonade, add bitters, stir and garnish with an orange slice and a cocktail cherry.

Burning Henry

  • Whiskey – 15ml
  • Baileys or Carolans—15ml
  • Amaretto liqueur – 15ml

Pour amaretto into a highball glass, then pour in layers of Carolans Irish cream or Baileys, then finish with a layer of whiskey.

Burning Doctor Pepper

  • Rum 25 ml;
  • Amaretto - 25 ml;
  • Light beer - 200 ml;

Preparation begins by pouring beer into a highball glass. After this, a layer of rum is placed on top of the beer (use a cocktail spoon). After that, amaretto is poured into the glass, set on fire and poured into a glass.


  • Whiskey - 35 ml;
  • Amaretto liqueur - 35 ml.

The cocktail is named after Mario Puzo's novel The Godfather. Fill the glass with ice, add whiskey and Amaretto liqueur, stir.

How to choose an original product

When going for Amaretto, you need to pay attention to:

  • A bottle. The original liqueur is sold in classic square bottles.
  • Design quality. The labels on the liquor bottle should be symmetrically positioned and free of traces of glue and smeared paint. The container should also be free of chips, cracks and other deformations.
  • Pleasant viscosity. High-quality Amaretto should have a fairly thick consistency. To check whether the selected product meets this point, turn the bottle over and observe how quickly the liquid spreads along the walls.

Original coffee with bitterness

Those who love and appreciate this noble drink are constantly delighted by its deep taste. Thanks to the notes of almonds, the adored drink receives a unique charm, tartness and richness. And when there's liqueur, what's best to drink Amaretto with? Of course, with coffee. This unique combination of sweet liqueur and a drink made from aromatic bitter grains has brought the cocktail worldwide popularity. To enjoy it in the comfort of your home, you need to know how to prepare this wonderful drink .

Cooking according to the classic recipe

The initial version of preparing a tasty drink includes the following components in the indicated quantities:

  • coffee beans (espresso or classic) in the amount of 30 g;
  • Amaretto liqueur in a volume of 50 ml;
  • almonds - 15 g;
  • water in the amount of 1 cup (200 g);
  • cream (whipped);
  • sugar to taste.

Amaretto price

The cost of Amaretto liqueur may vary depending on the brand and the volume of containers in which it is sold. For a liter bottle in the post-Soviet space you will have to pay from 1000 to 3000 rubles. So, for example, the average price for 0.7 liters

  • Disaronno Originale is 1,700 rubles;
  • Amaretto Florence – 1300 rubles;
  • De Kuyper Amaretto – 1200 rubles;
  • Fruko Schulz Amaretto – 1000 rubles;
  • Paganini – 1000 rubles.

What kind of drink is this

This liqueur has:

  • thick homogeneous consistency,
  • rich dark brown color,
  • pleasant aroma with a slight almond note.

This alcoholic drink was first introduced in 1525. And today Amaretto is the most popular and best-selling liqueur all over the world.

The main raw materials for its production are bitter almonds and apricot kernels. It is these ingredients that give the liqueur its unique taste and light aroma with cherry notes.

Reference! Both of these ingredients, or only one of them, can be used to make liqueur.

The final taste of the product directly depends on whether bitter or sweet almonds were used in production. The same goes for apricot kernels.

photo 2

Depending on their variety, they can impart sweetness to the drink or, on the contrary, a clearly noticeable bitterness. But in any case, a very subtle bitterness should definitely be felt. It is this that is the hallmark of Amaretto.

The following can be used as additional ingredients when creating it:

  1. vanilla,
  2. spices,
  3. some spices.

The result is a new type of liqueur every time. But each time, peeled almond kernels must be poured into grape syrup and kept for some time.

Only in this way can hydrocyanic acid be processed further.

Reference! Its distinctive feature is considered to be a universal square bottle - unique in its kind. If you believe folk legends, then master glassblowers specially developed its shape for Amaretto, so that even in pitch darkness this drink could be easily found.

Whether this is true or not, no one can say now. However, Amaretto is associated primarily with containers of this shape.

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